Memes Galore, Some New, Some Old But ALL Enjoyable!

Greetings and Salutations!
I’m cheating tonight. It’s been a long week again. I also did up a bunch of new memes for you all to utilize that as far as I know ARE mine and mine alone. I wish there was a way of copyrighting shitlord memes as I’d be a rich motherfucker…

Case in point, someone did a particularly harsh teardown od Diddy and his bullshit… and a bunch of the nogs just -had- to come to his defense and start tearing on the original poster… and the overwhelming reaction was to ‘turn it around’ on the chimps… when I saw this:

As you can see in the lower left hand corner I ‘tagged it’ with my ‘BCE2023’… I worked quite a spell to create the NAACP Logo as it is above… Lots of finite paint/photoshop work…

Part of me is oh so proud to see my creations out there like that.

OTOH, if I had $1 for every time someone used it?

As they say “SHEEEEEEEEEEEE-IT!!!”

Then again, it’d mean I’m probably a member of the Tribe…
Jes’ Sayin’

I’m too spent to ‘think’ tonight, so here’s a bunch I’ve worked on/found over the past week from various sources. The first three are mine… not sure where the graphics came from, but I added the meme-age so to speak as I thought appropriate. If anyone wants to improve on them, hit me up at and I’ll send the blank original that I have for you to use…

After all… Shitlording is a Full Time Job is it not?
So to start with, a Video that Trevor Goodchild (formerly of GAB) but now on put up:

Oh Holy Hells…
My sides hurt.
BTW a quick aside: That shooting of the Nig in Question?
BLM tried like Hell to get the ‘regular crowd of morons and idiots’ to start the usual rioting… ALL of that went out the window. It also if you haven’t noticed disappeared from the various Ministries of Lies and Propaganda as well…

Reason being is that particular Nigger who got shot?
The one with the knife who was attacking the cop blatantly?
Turns out ‘she’ was a fucking ‘he’.
(It explains the size of that fucking monkey, that’s for sure amiright?)

The very last thing the enemedia wanted /needed right now was ANOTHER bloodthirsty troon with a death wish… so… the memory hole AGAIN gets activated at Warp Speed.

The next video is from the KLrain. In it, on the right side of the building, below the roof, you see the stream of smoke from a dug-in machine gunner (Krainian) who was dug in and holding back the Rooskie Advance. No idea -how- the Russians got ONE GUY in behind him, but it is urban warfare, so hey… whatever…

Either way, the Russian is the guy on the roof… and his answer to the dug in Krainian?

The guy took a TM-62 anti-tank mine, put a timed fuse on it, and dropped it into a hole in the roof to the apartment that the Krainian had dug himself into…

All I can say is damn.

SO off to the races:

So More Later
Big Country

One thought on “Memes Galore, Some New, Some Old But ALL Enjoyable!”

  1. Hister Did Nothing Wrong is a new hot meme.
    Ronald C. Spiers for preezy of the steezy for he gets it.
    You can joke with Skeletor but only HIS hand makes him run.
    Pappy learned to hate Leviathan after an IRS latex glove slapping audit.
    I learned to hate when he absconded with uncle’s money and the marshals pulled up five minutes after we pulled up with guns drawn.
    The Eye of Sauron is a wretched hive of scum and villiany.

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