A Rant of Sorts… It’s Been a LONG Stressful Week but I Really Shouldn’t Complain…

Greetings and Salutations!
This’s been a stone cold motherfucker of a week. I really appreciate all the commentary on last night’s poast. Dude who mentioned Diphtheria gets a BCE Gold Star for that one… I like completely forgot the TDAP series…

Then again, it’s a motherfucker to keep track of ALL the fucking chems they want to inject into us, the majority of which are done when we’re wee babes without the ability to have a fucking say in it…

And to see just what I’m on about, HERE is the link for the CDC’s “recommended vaccination schedule for ages 0 to 18” in PDF format.

It’s literally fucking fifteen pages!!!!!

Any wonder why autism has gone utterly insane in the past ten plus years or so?

True Story:
Spawn#1 hated doctors visits as a wee lad. To the point of having meltdowns. Rationale was he associated the Docs with ‘hurty stuff’ as when he’d been forced to be examined multiple times as a tot, some of which were somewhat unfortunately painful visits for him. Lots of XRays and poking and prodding. The fucking DotMil Clown OBGYN who delivered him put a heart monitor needle in his lil nugget as he was crowning, but did it –poorly-.

He ended up with a hematoma on his squash that didn’t go away. Instead it fucking calcified. And because of the Quackery, as he was growing the first few years, we had to take him to DotMil Hospitals regularly to monitor the calcification to make sure it wasn’t on, nor blocking any growth plates which would have been a thing of badness.

Nope… in the long run, by the time he was 4, the croakers cleared him. However because it calcified? One Light Bird Doc told me that the almost 2×3 inch size of the calcification was almost 6-8mm thick. Told me “When you say that boy is hard headed, he well and truly is! That much bone would probably stop a 230 grain .45 slug.”

As I used to tell him, if he ever got in a fight hand to hand, lead with the right and duck down. Let his opponent crash their paw on that fucking thing… The kid is literally and physically thicker than me in the head…

Anyways, since he was hyper sensitive to the Docs, and was the X (she had ‘needle issues’) he was usually pretty fucking spooked every time we had to do the “Doc Thing”. This went on only for a while until I got a gig being the Desktop Support Geek at a Major Medical Hospital Company in Boston and the surrounding burbs.

The job itself was cool.
Lots of good folks working there, and as a guy who had been used to full time medical coverage for free for ten plus years, the “sticker shock” at the civvie Med Market shocked my socks off. Until I got this ‘golden gig’ which included a cover-to-cover Gold Level free health plan for myself AND the fam. Needless to say, I found out who the best fucking Pediatric Doc was at my location. His practice was closed however, as he is/was the fucking best.

Or maybe I should say it WAS closed until I activated my Dark Jedi Spec-4 Mafia Powers… Being the IT Geek, I had full permissions for ALL IT Shit in the building. Doc Lev had, up until we came along, (we were a contract company hired to maintain and upgrade their woefully ancient computer network(s) had been downloading and playing his favorite Napster Music on the work PC… until we locked everything down. (‘Member Napster??? OMFG I’m old-old-old!!!)

Knowing this, and his wants/needs/desires, I “made him and offer he couldn’t refuse.” That was that I couldn’t unlock Napster or any other site like that, however I gave him superuser permissions (after consulting with my boss and the network geeks who knew the score) to be able to manually upload his music via USB, and play it.

Yeah, we even locked down USB slots… I think we were early adopters of that because of HIPAA. No one else in the entire place had the abilitie that I gave him, and I put him under the “Omerta” for it… Let me tell you, Grateful?

After this, Doc Lev was my BFF for life.

And because of this great “dope deal”? When it came time to ‘handling’ Spawn#1 for his second round of shots?

First of all, he (Doc Le3v) totally listened to me regarding my concerns about the preservative Thimerosal. Mercury based, and considering what we’ve found out about Big Pharma since? Maaan, I’m fucking glad I was so fucking paranoid. Back then, I wasn’t about to let -anyone- shoot a multi-batch shot like the TDAP into my kids. My reasoning is there’s pretty good evidence that THAT is what is causing the spike in the Autism…

Second, He unofficially agreed with my (and many others) hypothesis, and told me “He had it covered”

Lev set it up that instead of the heavy preservative laden single needle shot, he went and got the individual quick-to-expire shots for us. Did the same for Spawn#2 which is why I -think- they’re not retarded other than being damaged from being my kids right?

Now mind you, yes. 3? or 4 shots instead of one?
That was a bit of suck, however, Lev hit Spawn so quickly he (Spawn) didn’t realize it was multiple needles because the initial ouchie was all he got. Lev went even so far as to do a heavy topical rubdown before shooting him of Lidocaine. Not much more really that could be done, but boom! Over with and done.

Now, the reason Doc Lev was the best?

We had a ‘regular follow up appointment’ a couple of weeks? months? after the ‘shooting gallery’… I believe Spawn was 4? and #2 the daughter was like 6 months or so… Spawn was a naturally garrulous and inquisitive lad… the X used to call him “Mister Mayor” because he was always ‘glad-handing’ motherfuckers and introducing himself… charming lil dude TBH.

Well… I was at work, so I waited for the Fam to show up. Spawn#1 was reeealy quiet. Very unlike himself. We all went into Doc Lev’s exam room, and once the preliminaries were done, Spawn asked is a quiet sort of hesitant voice “Doctor Lev, do I hafta get any shots today?”

Lev who TBH I –never– knew what to expect from him, as he was a quirky cool as fuck medic, looks at Spawn, and with a deadly serious voice said: “Well Spawn, I think I have to check with my shoe on that!”

The X and I both were baffled and it was obvious by the looks on our faces. Undeterred, Lev took off his loafer and shook it. A small folded piece of paper fell out. It floated to the floor, where on, Lev snatched it up, gave it to Spawn, and asked if he could read it.

Mind you, Spawn was sooooo far ahead in reading ALL due to the X and her work it was insane. Spawn was at like a fucking first to second grade level at four fucking years old. BOTH kids were waaaay ahead like that…

So, Spawn, also baffled at this point that this obviously deranged Doc was up to something, carefully unfolder the paper… and started trying to figure out the words printed on it in big, clear Black Sharpie Marker… He figured it out, and read out to us:

“No…. Shots… For… Spawn…… To…day!”

Which IMO was probably one of the fucking coolest and most humanitarian things I’ve EVER seen in person that a Pediatrician do for a lil kid.

Spawn of course was overjoyed at this “Shoe-Message”

Good memories…

I was going to rant about shit, but, per usual, I got sidetracked, so I’ll leave the header for tonight’s wannabe Blegg. How I got here? Got no fucking clue… well… I -do- and that is that I miss my fucking kids.

A Lot
It’s my own fault, and I can’t really blame them, but it still sucks, especially since not only have they gone no contact, but they have so much… I dunno… Fuuuuuuck… I got to stop as I didn’t want a BCE Pity Party…

Especially in light of just how shitty things are in NC right now.

Sorry about that.

It’s part of the header… a LONG and STRESSFUL week.
Worried about Adriana
Worried about NavyBro and his shytteshow in Hendersonville
Worried about the (s)election if we even have one
Worried about “Have I done enough?”

Like I said.
‘Tis a good enough word for tonight.

I’ll leave it at that. Hope you got a giggle out of Doc Lev’s shenanigans… I have no idea where he ended up, but no matter what, I wish him nothing but happiness and peace for what and how he provided for me and mine.

More Later
Big Country

15 thoughts on “A Rant of Sorts… It’s Been a LONG Stressful Week but I Really Shouldn’t Complain…”

  1. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight says:

    Yeah. I feel ya on the children thing.
    I have a son, old enough (married, two children), who thinks that we, well…..anyway, he’s gone No Contact on us. Sad.
    But I have enough on my plate for now to keep me busy, I don’t over dwell on what-might-be.
    But here are times.
    Ya, I’m with ya BCE on the children thing.

  2. BCE, try not to beat yourself up over the relationship with your kids.
    While I’m sure that you said or did some things you wish you could redo, you ALSO have (like I do) an evil bitch EX and her family who shit talk you every chance they get to those kids.

    In my case, my ex cheated on me and left me for her affair partner who she moved in with her and the kids and then married. HE was now Daddy and I was “the devil”, EVERYTHING was and is my fault.
    Is it any wonder that 13 years after the divorce and the kids are adults that 2 of the 3 have no contact with me and the 1 that does my Ex made to pay for her having a relationship with me ??

    I know intellectually that I did the very best that I could with the situation the Ex put me in.
    Still your head is one thing and your heart is another. Deep down my heart hurts and I FEEL awful about the estrangement with the 2 other kids. The shitty thing is my Ex permanently over years destroyed their feelings for me and they want nothing to do with me and there is nothing I can do to change things.
    So my brother, I know exactly how it feels, it sucks and it is what it is.

    What helps is that you need to remind yourself that you have the love of Wifey and the 2 grands and a great best friend in Sapper. Also have the hope that maybe someday they may contact you and want a relationship.

  3. I’m a big fan of the old school expires-relatively-quickly vaccines, which was why the base hospitals always had monthly shot clinics. You didn’t get the vacc shots until they were on-site, and then everyone who needed/was supposed to/was voluntold to got lined up and shot.

    Never made it to the Africa level of shots. Whew.

    But, yeah, TDAP. As much as I may hate modern vaccines, Diphtheria fucking scares me. So easy to get, so transmittable, so fucking deadly as you literally shit your body’s fluids, including blood, out your ass. And Whooping Cough, not very deadly in the modern antibiotic world but in a non-antibiotic area, great way to watch your kids cough up their lungs and die.

    So, yeah.

    My mom always made friends with whichever officer was in charge of the Emergency Room, as the military hospitals back in the day basically short of family care everything went through the ER one way or another. Thus we tended to get excellent treatment and were steered away from the failure doctors (there were basically two types of doctors at military hospitals – the ones that used the military to pay their way and were good, or the complete failures that couldn’t get hired at state prison (not kidding on that one.)

    As to the incoming spat of diseases in the Appalachias, well, as you said, cholera and malaria will be hitting those places. Good thing fall and winter are coming. Springtime all the other diseases associated with unburied human corpses will come out.

  4. I’m with you about the kids.

    Even though my kids were all adults when the X blew up our marriage, Seems I was the one voted off the island. I have almost no contact with my youngest daughter. The oldest texts when she needs something. The boy used to come by every Sunday for dinner. He gets a pass, since he flakes on the other two as well. He’s a busy single guy, I get it. But I’m the one that has to reach out.

    Best you can do is keep in touch (a birfday text, card whatnot) and move on.

    Made my decision to move an hour south of here easier. I have a new woman, and the start of a new life. They want to be in it, they’ll know how to get in touch. I’m sure my youngest, who’s been living with a dude for over five years, will appear announcing her wedding and wanting me to pony up. I really don’t want to be around the mother of the bride, and will be put off at that move. Lord what a shitshow that’ll be. She grew up Catholic, he’s a jew. Meh. More likely he bails on her for a member of the tribe. Shiksas are for practice, after all. I’ve tried to tell her, indirectly, that if a dude wants to marry you, he’ll do so after a year or two. I’ll be more direct when we meet next.

  5. I was at the local library for our area yesterday. The ‘aware’ people coming in all worried its about to go stupid and hot. The normies coming in kept talking about how it feels like something bad is about to happen. When the normies feel the tension you know its bed.

      1. Welcome (not welcome), to the all pervading fade brain (from poisoned environment) . Even the “bright” people I run into have it to some degree.

  6. Geezer here, take it easy on beating yourself up. There’s so many angles, triangulation’s and circumstances from inter personal contacts and relationships of the past, that your “blame quotient” is very likely a minor number. Use your above average brain power to rationalize yourself into less guilt. It’s best for ALL involved and you don’t deserve the weight of guilt. You’ve got enough self imposed weight on your shoulders for a platoon. Scale your shit back to squadish level. You’re ALREADY operating well above the squad level.
    Get some ZEN (of whatever variety you want), BREATH…let SOME of it go. Give that squirrel a rest. I wish you good fortune and prayers, in pursuing your chosen duties.

    1. We knew they were killing people on purpose and getting paid for it soon after it blew up but hardly anyone listened…

    1. Is it our time Brother are we missing it I’m beginning to wonder, wish we had someone on the ground we could trust…

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