Out and About Travelling and Such

Greetings and Salutations!
Spending the day down in St. Penisburg, waiting on Godot, aka Gretchen. She’s got a high-paying multi-female wedding gig that’s running from 0900 this fine A.M. until 17:00 this afternoon.

After which we’re headed down to the Kremlin for the Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Glorious Tractor Factories. BIG Too-Doo Brunch Buffet at some Bourgeoisie Club that us Proles are supposed to be grateful that they’re allowing us to soil the air with our fumes…

So in the mean time, since it’s over a hour to get back to the Casa, as much as I’d prefer to do the drive, Gretchen has requested I stay local just in case. Got no issue as for right now, I’m in defilade at a Starbux. Free intarwhebz as for whatever reason, the Tablet I’m on doesn’t want to connect to the hotspot. Not too big a deal, as I’ve seen it before. I just lack the cable I need to ‘mate’ the two up via USB, and get them to manually ‘handshake’.

My biggest snivvle so far is minor compared to Gretchens. Seems that the room? suite? she’s going to be working in? The A.C. is inoperative. That’s going to be a thing of badness as she already has personal heat issues what with Menopause and whatnot. Only thing I can do is offer prayers and support when she gets done.

That and an Icepack.

A big Icepack.

So before I dug in here, I was just checking out ‘things’ as I’ve had to hang out here before. In truth I was looking for a public shitter. Had a big ole Morning Grumpy that was demanding to be dropped off. Now, this A.O. during the day tends to be pretty ‘clean’ in that the Vagrants are kept away from La Touristas. However, in the early morning? They tend to ‘congregate’ around the shitters, and the last thing I want to do is use a blown-out shitter after Harry-The-Homeless-Heroin Fiend has used the stall to spatter his last dinner on the bowl, and left his used needle(s) on the floor.

I had enough of that shit in Kuwait/Iraq.

Soooo… looking/snooping for a clean pooper, I found a commercial dock hidden behind a Publix shopping center that I’ve been to a dozen times before.

Never knew it was back there.

It’s neat. They have 3 different non-fishing cruises, one 4 hour Island tour that takes you out to the uninhabited barrier islands that you are allowed to crawl all over and explore, a 2 hour sunset cruise on a nice Ketch, or a 3 hour dolphin tour.

I’m thinking the 4 hour tour with the Gran… she’s alllll about some beach time, but the big thing is seashell collection. She loves doing it, and the pictures on the brochure show exactly that, i.e. lil kiddos digging sand dollars and shells out of the tidal pools. This is, like everything, it’s $60 per adult, and $50 for the Gran. Another thing to start putting $10/$20 per week aside for.

The sunset 2 hour cruise is something I need to look into for Gretchen for a date-night… Like I said, gotta save up to do that. I do know she’d love it.

No, as to everyone who sent me links for the Mermaid, I greatly appreciate it! Gretchen was touched by the thoughtfulness too, and sends her thanks. I’m still working on getting the pieces-parts back together again, so I’ll hold off on a replacement now, ‘cos as that Cheech and Chong movie was once named “Things Are Tough All Over!”

Which now brings me to The Fucking Retards running this fucking shytteshow called the “Untied Staatz”. FFS… The day before yesterday, The Kidsmeller Pursuvient, AKA Grandpa Badfinger, the Groper-in-Chief, King of the Delaware Beach and Emperor For Life Slo-Xi Den claimed to have never met with the Head of the Fed, Jerome Powell.

Link to the Story (and the receipts in the form of pictures) HERE
OK: So the Joetato has officially lost it.
It’s out in the open.
To the point that it’s now a pure ‘humiliation ritual’ that they’re doing to us. Performative abuse. WE can see that he’s a fucking lunchbox, THEY know he’s a Lunchbox, but no one is doing anything about it. Almost like a “Neener-neener, whaddya gonna do about it?”
Answer to that is absolutely nothing.
There ain’t shit we can do. Most of the fuckers pulling this shit aren’t elected… it’s the Perma-Power-Oligarchical-Elite that IS the “ShadowDotGov”

Unreachable, untouchable.
For now…

THEN, to add insult to the very obvious issue of “fucker should be dragged out under the 25th Amendment, yesterday it seems we/they ‘folded the envelope’ completely and went “Full Edith Wilson” at the first meeting of the Presidential Cabinet since October 2, 2023…

The-claim- is that she was ostensibly there to speak as speak to and about Whammenz Mental Health… In reality? Let me tell you, if OrangeManBad had pulled something similar, they’d have “25th’d” his ass out the door faster that his spray tan could keep up…

Now the reference for those ‘not historically educated’, Edith Wilson was the wife of Woodrow “Woody-Woodman” Wilson.

Now, on a personal note, I file this guy as worse than Stalin in World History. Given a choice of world leaders I’d drown at birth, I’d be hard pressed between the Satanic Lincoln and this fukkin’ douchecanoe. Between his utterly retarded Progressive tendencies, his warmongering getting us into World War One, and all his other blatant character flaws (hint: he had no character IMO), he’s the piece of shit who started the Federal Reserve System, as well as the Income Tax.

Drown at birth indeed.
If wishes were fishes…

Anyways, Edith Wilson was Wife #2 for Woody. Sometime into the beginning of his second term (197+/-) Ole Woodman had a serious stroke that left him all sorts of three ways to Sunday fucked up. Like paralyzed completely on his left side, and a bunch of other problems…. according to the Wiki, Woody had some really serious health issues, and his faithful and possibly power-mad Wife stepped into the breach with the assistance of the Presidential Doctor.

To the point some lunatic Feminists refer to Edith as “The First Whammenz President”…. which is a major problem in itself.


That’s not how it works.

Not that as long as it’s a Progressive DemoncRat in the Orifice.
Nope… then everything is juuuuust fine.
Such is the State of our particular (dis)Union Right Now.

As I’m so fond of saying, History Repeats Aye?
In fact if you look at the International Scene right now? We’re in a 1917/2024 parallel… except instead of Germany, it’s Russia/China/and the Middle East.

SOMETHING is going to pop sooner, rather than later.

OK… back from the hiatus of the drive to Miami…
A minor 5 hour excursion.
In the AM we have to get ready and be at Ye Olde Cuntry Club to make sure I’m seen and get a chance to shmooze. I mean I need a raise man…

So wish me luck. I have to go crash out
It’s been a full day.
More Later
Big Country

18 thoughts on “Out and About Travelling and Such”

  1. I know it is complete and total bullshit but at events like that you NEED to shmooze especially since you work remote.
    When promotions and raises come up, are they going to give it good ole Joe down the hall who ass kisses on the regular OR some guy in Tampa who is a good worker but you can’t even picture his face ?
    You don’t have to ass kiss but be your usual friendly and funny self and afterword they’ll go “Oh yeah, BCE that funny big guy from Tampa, yeah he’s doing a good job, he deserves a raise”.

    Good luck and just nurse a drink otherwise if you start feeling good you might be tempted to say what you really think to some of the assholes and ass kissers in the company. Also have Wifey shmooze as well especially to the wives of the big commissars. They’ll talk after to their husbands and say “I met the nicest and funniest woman there, she’s the wife of BCE from Tampa”.
    Wifey is a strong asset of yours and she can also help with increasing your image and hopefully getting you a much deserved raise and promotion.

    1. Your wife can make you or break you in the corporate world. Both my wives were good at small talk and were helpful to my career. Current wife is the small talk queen, though.

      If there’s alcohol, nurse one drink, or drink something virgin, but make sure you keep feeding your bosses drinks. Get them drunk and hopefully get something on them. Ooops! Did I say that?

  2. Yes, old Edith ran the country (into the ground) for almost a year as Woody lay in his bed..She and the Doctor prevented anyone from knowing what was going on…but when the horrific Versailles Treaty was proposed, a still addled Wilson agreed to it, which never should have happened…When Harding came in, he cut taxes and Federal spending, opened up the economy, and triggered the ’20s boom…

  3. I used to be the cook at an English pub once located in the Dolphin Village shopping center, the semi-secret Marina back there is known for the evening booze cruise, we’d usually see the túristas at the pub before and after the voyage and the captain and crew were regulars. There was a great egret the marina people had sort of made a pet of (they named him Elvis) and if you left the back door of the kitchen open he’d come inspect the place. It’s quite an experience to walk into a kitchen and find a glossy white five-food heron poking around the line.

  4. Well, call me a land lubber (I live in Utah).
    When you said “commercial dock”, I was expecting a pic of a behind-the-big-box-store-loading-dock.
    Took a minute for my brain to reboot.

    And yep! History doesn’t repeat, but it often rhymes.

    Good luck on your glad-handing and self promotion. You deserve it, you need it.

    1. I’m from Miami and my brain did the same thing. Never did say where you dropped that Grumpy

      1. Lineman & Berglander
        Have BCE swap our email addys.
        Whenever you email me, be sure to put BCE in the subject line.
        I usually check my email early AM at work, not fully awake and caffeinated, I might delete your missive as spam.

  5. Thanks for including Lincoln on the list of worst presidents. He gets unjustly worshipped too often. What few seem to grasp is the war wasn’t over slavery and he began the American Empire.

  6. It never ceases to amaze me that when you are stuck somewhere for a bit and killing time that there are so many interesting little places in most towns that you would never see just from flying through on the expressway. I don’t see enough of that stuff, I am someone that sees the ETA on Google Maps as an insult to my manhood, but there are a nearly infinite number of cool things to see all across the fruited plains.

    1. Also the case if you travel by boat along the old waterways. Totally different and often historic view of the towns.

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