Greetings and BRRRRRR!
Holy Hells it was 33 degrees this morning. SOUTH of Tampa Proper. The record low was 20 degrees in Tampa back in 1962.
Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.
This A.M. when I went to walk the doggos both of them were not happy. The Sausage Princess usually refuses to go out in shitty wet weather UNLESS as mentioned before that it’s got to be a dire emergency. The Red Hot Chili Pupper doesn’t care if it’s raining or not, but today? Both had enough hydrostatic pressure built up that they absolutely needed to go out.
The Snausage went out and did a world class quick ’emptying’ but surprisingly, she stayed close to the Chili Pupper until she did her biddness. Then we all went in for breakfast. Poor Chili was chilled to the bones and was shivering to beat the band. The Princess was more disgruntled at getting wet, but was a champ shaking off outside as she’s trained to do. I handle her fully off lead these days, and she’s awesome… a great ‘Auntie’ for the pupper. She cuddled up with Chili and the two of them stayed bundled for a bit until they dried out and warmed up.
Got me a good lil pack happening here.
So no progress on the FrankenMauser yet. Like I said it’s cold AF. The great news is that the car is still doing well. The rule now is that we check the weather station inside, and if the temp is below 45 degrees, the car gets an automatic 10-15 minute warmup like I used to do back in NH back in the day.
That apparently has eliminated the issue.
Thank Crom.
On other news… well… I haven’t been paying attention too closely. The Lamentation of The Whammenz and Soybois has been epic, and the meltdown wonderful, but I’m still sort of disappointed by the TikTok ‘bait and switch’. My reasons for that is that I was looking forward to an entire set of morons and worthless eaters committing mass suicide after having their primary means of broadcasting their mental illness eliminated.
As I also stated on GAB about the ban?
“Regarding the TikTok ban: If your business model relies STRICTLY on a outsourced, shady app, which possibly (80/20 odds in favor IMO) is a intel-gathering tool run by and constructed by a defined enemy (Chyyyyyna) of the US as an intelligence gathering apparatus, you’re doing it wrong.
Zero sympathy. Zero anything for those who were soooo short sighted and LAZY to utilize such a thing. Especially as their primary means of generating income. TikTok is/was the VERY DEFINITION on a Millennial “Indoor Work/No Heavy Lifting” job that allowed kids to continue their juvenile fantasies, and their “Wannabe Peter Pan Lifestyle”.
VERY low effort “job” if you can even call it that…
Did it work?
Oh absolutely. FAR too many lazy assed retards who have a phone and record ALL their movements during the day in hopes to one day ‘go virial’… The problem is “there’s only so much space at the top” and Influencer Culture has lead to some serious mental health issues in the General Population… my step daughter suffers from Main Character Syndrome, where, because of the 24-7-365 aspect of social media, she genuinely believes that people are watching her like she was Truman on the ‘Truman Show’ and unfortunately, acts that way….
Not so much. Who wants to watch the life of a overweight purple haired sub-90 IQ’d chick with bad tats, a ton of piercings, a boat load of mental illness, two kids that the state has taken away (one permanently), and has ZERO prospects, outside of the potential to watch her further ‘crash and burn’?
I got a hunch if they don’t keep the thing, in one form or another, ‘up and running’ shit might go apeshit that much sooner….. @mothersmurfer@Glenfilthie@ArthurSido@JohnWilder ALLL then unmedicated 16-30 something broads, cut off from their “Instant Gratification App?” It’ll be uglier than anything we’ve seen in a looong while IMO”
So yeah, the fact that they turned it back on mere hours after shutting it down? Booooo!!! Hiiiiiss!!! Shut that fucker off and let the fun begin. But then again, there’s the rare possibility that I mean maybe I did hit the nail on the head however…
That ‘they’ (whomever was behind that whole ban movement) realized that they were facing a potentially full on Mental Health Crisis that would make Trump Derangement Syndrome look like mild dementia. I mean according to the stats, in the US alone “There are 272 videos posted every second, 16,000 videos posted every minute, 981 thousand videos posted every hour, 34 million videos posted each day and 707 million videos posted each month on TikTok”
That’s a LOT of potential psychopathic breakdowns there.
59% of American Adults admit to using it at least once a day… and that’s just watching it. If 25% of people are actively poasting to it, and only 5% go full-on gun/knife/bomb wielding cray cray? Based on the US Census numbers in 2024, 5% of the U.S. population would be approximately a potential of 1.68 million motherfuckers going completely off-their-meds batshit insane.
And ONE NY Shooting Luigi freaked out everyone?
Just like Dorner had the entirety of the L.A. Police Department shitting in it’s collective pants?
Personally I think it would have been hilarious.
But I can see the “why” of it.
No one else has seemed to thought of this angle. Not that I’m right but there IS a bit of ‘symmetry’ if you will about my hypothesis. The very last thing they need right now is a metric fuckton of utterly insane folks going on a rampage. I mean they got the Izzys doing that in Lebanon amiright?

SO yeah.
Your thoughts?
Otherwise, ’tis faaar too cold for any more deep thoughts. Here’s a few Memes that cracked me the fuck up this week that I saved for y’all deplorable bastards. Hope you enjoy

And lastly, H/T WiscoDave:
More Later
Big Country

Ha. We got 2° in the daytime here Monday and Tuesday, so kwitchyerbitchin. Seriously though, it’s too fuckin’ cold, and my AO isn’t even that far north. I honestly don’t know how people can stand to live in North Dakota or northern Minnesota, Wisconsin or Michigan. Forget that noise. The Florida in the cold meme is priceless.
I share your thoughts on TikTok, and think it would’ve been hilarious if they left it shut down. Then again, we have enough problems already, without millions of cluster B’s and unstable faggots going ape shit over the loss of their (perceived) social media status.
Bitching? Duuude. I lived thru the Blizzard of ’76.
DeadDad had to quit rescuing people on I-95 after finding like his 10th or 11th stiff, from either freezing or even worse, Carbon Monoxide poisoning for running their vehicles w/out clearing the exhaust pipe(s).
BRIGHT RED stiffs that gave him nightmares.
WE as kids were in school until almost July due to us missing out on so many school days (like a fucking month+)
So my issue w/the cold is my ‘internal thermostat’ got perma-changed by two summers in Iraq at 120+ degrees.
My winters in Baghdad at 65 degrees had all of us, DotMil as well as DotContractors were positively freezing at 65 degrees. Like I have pix of us having parties/get togethers where some of the chick are swathed in blankets, and all us dudes are in full-on hoodies and winter clothing (for Iraq) ‘cos the heaters couldn’t keep up with what WEV thought was cold.
Hence my reason for coming home in 2005 and telling the X “Pack our shit and move to Florida”
This is the first time in I have no idea how many years that I’ve been genuinely cold-cold
It sucks
I get it BC, was just busting your balls a little. Maybe that didn’t come across as intended. Point being just that I’d have happily taken your 33° over the colder than a witch’s tit we had here earlier in the week. But I also sympathize with the difficulty of dealing with that sort of cold down your way.
We’re (kind of) used to it here, but Florida really isn’t so well set up to deal with it, as it doesn’t happen there very often. And God forbid you get snow, then it’s really a shit show. Besides, many (most?) people who aren’t natives moved down there to escape this garbage weather, and now it’s done come to get you anyway. I’d be a bit pissed about it too, honestly.
Has the chili pup calmed down any? A little while back you wrote of that dog being wound a little too tight. Just wonder if any progress was made.
Oh I dig it dude and yeah I ‘got’ it… Internet Comment /sarc is hard to ‘read sometimes, but you’ve commented enough to have me know we could sit down for beers and bullshit and bust each others chops nonstop like we’d been frens for 20 years. True story vis a vis Snow in The South. Rakkasanland 1995. 8 inches of snow solidly DOWN. Base closed. I went and hopped in my car to go to the mall (off duty, why not?) Saw TONS of pickups and vehicles ‘down in the daisies’ from spinning out.
WAAAAY Off int he rear view I saw a KY Statie racing up from behind. I slowed from 60 (it was snowing after all) to 50, then 40, then 30… Fucker finally caught up w/me and when I expected him to pass, he got on my bumper! I of course pulled over. Thankfully this was before Occifer Safety came first, so I got out of the car and walked back towards him
I was dumbfounded, then looked at the back of my car (1979 Fastback Camaro… bright orange… a magnificent beast).
I saw the plate was covered with built up snow. In the middle of the cops tirade, I held up one finger… he stopped… he wasn’t used to this.. I then pointed to the rear bumper, walked over and kicked the snow that had built up on the plate. The snow fell off like an avalanche…
“New Hampshire: Live Free or Die”
The cop suddenly changed attitude.
Started grinning.
“Welllll shit boy… this must not be but a light chill and/or a breeze for you!”
I was like “I reckon”… he started laughing out loud…
His concern was (and relayed to me) was he needed me to slow the fuck down because as he put it “Every shitkickin’ redneck asshole in a four-by is going to try and keep up or pass your lil Orange Racecar. These fucking idjits have no idea on how to drive in snow. Hell even I don’t know how to drive in this here shit… you almost done got away if’n you hadn’t stopped! Do me a favor Corporal and slow the fuck to a crawl ‘cos I’m already too busy to deal with any more knuckleheads… I’ll surely appreciate it!”
So I sure as hell I did and interestingly, even tho a couple of times in the next year or so until I got transferred to Knox, even when the KY State Troopers had me dead-to-rights for speeding, I NEVER got pulled over. He MUST have ‘passed the word’ around as my car was BLATANTLY OBVIOUS between the color, the year and the plate. He was A cop of the “Old School” the likes of which we won’t see again soon unfortunately…
I’ll take the cold over niggers any day of the week and twice on Sunday and that’s now when it hasn’t gone mad max yet…I might run out of ammo but I won’t ever run out of wood to burn to keep me warm…
I could more see living in a cold climate if that was truly a defense against the melanin enhanced sorts showing up and spoiling the party. Unfortunately, it isn’t; look at Wisconsin and Minnesota (the matter being where fucking Somalians have basically taken over the joint to the point they’ve even redone the state flag to their liking).
Point being that a climate that is inhospitable to them may delay their arrival somewhat, but they always seem to find a way to elbow their way in and spoil a good thing. Kind of like another certain group of individuals whose presence is detrimental – if not openly antagonistic – to us…almost like they are working together to subvert our best interests. Nah, that could never happen.
In any case – irrespective of climate – eventually we’re going to have to buck up and proactively remove all the damned parasites from our lands. Anyplace that fails to form a cohesive nation fails period.
Yea but the niggers up there were brought in and placed there and they are heavily subsidized by the government so they can keep their houses at 82 degrees in the winter so it wasn’t a natural progression of them wanting to live there…
I agree that it’s going to take us bucking up but look around do you see anyone on here or anywhere where else doing what is needed for that to happen…I don’t, all I get is pushback or apathy when I talk about the need for Tribe and it has been since 2012 when I started talking about it…Sure a few here and there have responded positively to it but nowhere near enough to stop our extinction process…
Amen, Brother. Right there with you.
In ’84, I got a 2 week, winter survival course, with the Cal. Guard to Camp Ripley, MinnaSOWTAH. It was so cold there were fuel trucks filling up any and all vehicles that were parked and running. If they ran out of fuel, they would have to be towed to a “hot” garage to get them restarted. If you got caught wearing cotton socks, Article 15, non Judicial Punishment, potential bust in rank+fine+restrictions.
IT WAS SO COLD, a few weeks after getting back, we got a semi official cert for being in the Way,Way,Way below Zero Club. -90 degrees with wind chill. The actual temp was also crazy low, I just can’t remember what.
So far, our middle Tennessee temps have ranged from 10 degrees to over 40 during the warmest part of a few days, briefly. Plenty of days, freezing all day. Big change from So. Cal.
I’ve known people who couldn’t keep a job simply because they didn’t like being told what to do. They were always smarter than the boss. They would run scams and do anything but get a job. Back then “my back hurts so disability” was the popular scam. Haven’t seen any of them in 25 years. Some of them were just waiting around for someone to die for inheritance money. smh
Tuesday morning in the forest -22 at 6am . 37 degrees at 3:30pm Just a little temp swing.
Oof, that’s the kind of swing that causes water mains to damn near jump out of the ground around here. I’m betting I’ll see/hear about some gushers here before the weekend, now that it’s warming up a bit. Know a guy who works upper management for the local water utility engineering and maintenance section, he dreads this time of year.
I remember the winter of 76 quite well. Chewed the left rear fender up on my 72 Duster (loved that little slant 6) when one of the strap chains busted loose on the way to a fire call. Nothing like needing to pick the hose up after a job in the borough dump truck. At work we thought about buying up a truck load of snow tires to take south as the news was showing cars sliding alll over in less than an inch of slop. Greed on others troubles much? Single digit temps aren’t as much of a bother in calm air, it’s the wind that chases me indoors. Makes me think about my many times Great Grandfather and Uncle who in another 76 spent time with Gen George at Valley Forge. not too far from here. Stay warm everyone.
Used to keep 4 sandbags (DotMil) in the back (trunk… remember those?) of my 1979 Fastback Camaro. Rear wheel drive and NO posi-traction. I used to call it my “lead sled”. Without the 100-150 pounds of sand, I’d’ve never had any traction AT ALL unless I had a full fuel tank…
Ah yes. The winter of ’76. The tires on my CJ5 all were frozen to the ground. I had to break it loose in first gear low range. Lucky none of the U-joints broke. Got to work (apprentice electrician) and spent more time in the trailer warming up than we did working outside. should have just stayed home. The Ohio River froze over at Cincinnati and dumb asses were driving their cars on it. All of the power plants were running low on coal because the barges could not get through the ice.
Funny you mention the whole TikTok situation; I just saw something from serial thunk-provoker El Gato Malo posted on the 21st about how, in light of the possible ban, a sizable number of American e-thots and influencers all jumped to some Chinese platform called Rednote. Since most Chinesium platforms have been fairly closed systems, he likens the situation to airdropping smallpox-infused blankets into tribal villages.
Link if those are allowed, best to read his own words rather than my poor attempt at summary.
“They don’t realize that we are bringing them the plague.” (“Wir bringen ihnen die Pest und sie wissen es nicht”)
-Sigmund Freud (supposedly)
Said to Carl Jung as their ship was approaching New York City on Freud’s only trip to the US.
“I AM the virus!”
Vanessa Kirby (playing Hattie Shaw)
I did 4 months in Florida back in the 90’s. Everyone turning on the heat and dressed like they was freezing to death and me sweating up a storm in shorts.
It was funny till i flew back north and landed in edmonchuk on december 21st and it was -40F. I had luckily arranged for the person picking me up to bring my parka as i didn’t have a heavy jacket with me.
My cousin-in-law flew back a few decades ago to visit Grandma and show off his new wife.
She was a Hawaiian who had never left the islands. She landed here in downstate Illinois in February. -20 with wind-chill, -10 air temp. Apparently her WTF face was epic.
Geez. Who woulda thunk dogs behave like Michigan/Floriduh snowbirds? Our pup goes out and does her stuff, sniffs for rabbits or whatever leaves tracks in the snow when it is 10F outside. Moves faster on all duties, but not that fast.
Today was a heat wave, got up to 20. Later next week we may get up to 32F. Might even see some grass again, when that happens it becomes a land mine hunt for all the deposits while there was snow cover. Just another service we provide our K9 overlords. 😉
My dogs put their face in the snow and start running funniest thing ever…
My question about TikTok, what “intelligence” are the Chicoms getting off the phones of the mentally unfit who make up most of TikTok’s clients?
There was a recent article about the frenchies blocking internet on their ships and subs because the crew were using their phones on social media and geotagging themselves.
Someone noticed that a bunch of french naval people were clustered together and moving across the ocean as a group. It was also noticed that certain clusters of people in the ocean would disappear for 4-5 days then be online for an hour or so then gone again for a few days. That was the sub crews.
I surely don’t miss those Chicago winters. I remember it being -10 for the high and -20 at night with wind chill as low as -40. If you had a small car you would save a piece of cardboard to put in front of the radiator so you would have heat in the car. And take your battery inside at night if you didn’t have a garage. Not to mention the horrendous lake effect snow storms. I don’t regret moving to Florida even during the sweaty days of Aug/Sept every year.