Nothing on The FrankenMauser Tonight, Waiting on Parts.

Greetings and Salutations!
Ain’t got anything tonight. Except for a case of the ass. I’m pissed. The car had the engine light come on and went into ‘safe mode’ meaning I can’t drive over 10-15mph.

Why is it just when things are getting sorted I get another curve ball? The engine is brand fucking new. If you recall or you’re new here, the old engine ‘swallowed a rod’ at 80k Miles, and thankfully the 100k wheel to wheel warranty took care of it.

Theoretically this ‘new’ engine should have another 80k worth of warranty on it. However I know it’s going to be an argument/fight with the dealership that may end up involving a shovel and quiklime, if the last encounter I had is any indicator.

Funny thing is, when the car was brand spanky new, at about 20k miles on it, it had the. same. exact. problem. then. Engine light on, went into ‘safe mode’. I had the dealer look at it, and then never really did tell me what was wrong with it (I suspect a software or sensor reset issue… something so simple -I- could do it hence why they didn’t tell me) but it got fixed and then ran like a top for the remaining 60+/-k miles that I put on it until the engine grenaded on Gretchen.

So I’m just sulking tonight.

Also it’s too cold to lay on the DuraCoat, so that too is on hold.

Gah! I hates the winter!
We actually had to turn on the heat today to keep the pipes ok… yeah it dropped that much for a wee bit, and the poor Sausage Princess finally broke down and went out… she acts like she’s going to melt and absolutely hates the rain. She finally had to go as the pressure and discomfort was too much, but I’ll tell you… none of that “I have to find the best place to pee/poo!” doggy sniffing around jazz… not in the rain. Out the front door, a violent expulsion of excess cargo, and she ziiiipped right back into the house.

Pretty much the best and only laugh of the day.
She looked so miserable…

Anyways, that’s all I got for tonight.
I’ll try to be better tomorrow
More Later
Big Country

16 thoughts on “Nothing on The FrankenMauser Tonight, Waiting on Parts.”

  1. We’re just getting our power back up here just north of Pensacola after Mother Nature blew a fuckin’ gasket and dumped 7 or 8 inches of snow on us.
    I may go out in the morning and build a snowbitch.

  2. I am just a few hours north of you in the Peoples Republic of Gainesville and the rain has turned to sleet and the snow is about to begin.

    Regarding the Safe mode on the car, ask if any of your friends have a code reader/scanner and hook it up and see what it says. It should give you an idea of what is triggering the safe mode.

    1. The code readers work. Even the cheap 20 dollary-doo ones from Wal-Mart. Look at it before you buy, you want one that gives you the option to delete the trouble codes. If you are in a real jam, disconnect the battery. Put a plastic baggie over the removed terminal. Let it naturally run down, there are many modules in there that have capacitors in them and stray trons. The Scotty Kilmer channel on yootoob has a good blurb on this, I recall he uses something like a 1k Ohm resistor to help bleed out the circuits safely. Watch his info, do the thing. May save you YUGE.

  3. Whatever you decide to use to bake the Duracoat in, it has to be spotlessly clean or you’ll contaminate the finish. No greasy oven. You could try a cardboard box/ wall locker and some heat lamps, monitor it so it doesn’t start a fire. I built a browning box decades ago, a wood closet with a heat lamp to brown /rust blue gun parts.
    The better the parts prep, the better your finish will turn out.

  4. Did you reset the computer, unhook battery. Turn on headlights, turn them off, push brake pedal. Hook battery back up. See if light went off. Sounds like a catalytic converter. Best of luck to you brother.

  5. Are the iguanas falling out of trees yet?

    Our dog was doing the same last weekend when we were -25C and high winds. Out down the stairs and closest section of snow, no going to the back 40 for her.

  6. The names of the pets: Heart Head the Dog and Dick Face the Cat. Thanks, I’m here all week, try the veal, best in the city and don’t forget to tip the waitstaff.


  7. All four of my mutts are absolutely loving the cold and snow. Every time we let them out in it the run they around like retards.

    1. Three of our dogs love the cold/snow. The Trip Hazard goes down the steps, pees on the pavers and zips back up. If she has to crap, she’s in Misery City, tip toeing around trying to off load. Pretty funny, actually. We have to monitor her because of bop cat/coyote threat.

  8. Don’t feel too bad. I just had a main drain line collapse. SOB cost 3grand to fix. There WAS stinking water everywhere.

  9. With all the electronic shit on cars these days it could be anything related to engine control or emissions. I had a weird hard starting condition but only when I filled up the gas tank. Turned out to be a loose connection on the tank vent valve.

  10. Have you looked on YT to see if there’s any videos that would give you a hint on your car’s engine problem? A sensor? A loose wire or bolt? A clogged filter?

  11. Is it a dodge product? Yes an odb II reader can tell you if there are any codes. The have some you can hook up and get the data on your phone. Ones that are with a wire need to be hooked up. It is bone simple and one of the best things you can put in your toolbox. Check Amazon. There are tons but the all work the same.

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