Greetings and Salutations!
So why the Hell not?
I got into working on the FrankenMauser last night a wee bit despite promises to myself and Gretchen that I’d take a night off, and did my ‘thing’ tonight for a bit.
A close examination of it completely stripped down, and I noticed that the finish is ‘off’ on the receiver and the barrel in multiple places. A close up:

The bluing job on top of the receiver is waaaay off. In a square as you can see. I’m thinking that when the 1897 Spanish Mauser, this particular one, went in for the conversion/arsenal rebuild in 1916+/-, the original receiver marking was removed, and when they reblued it, it was a shytte job compared to the original-original. The marking of which I speak would have looked like this:

There’s a multiplicity of reasons that this set of markings may/may not have been removed. Seeing that the serial number for this particular model I have on hand is from the Oviedo timeframe (1897) and that the Model 1893 Spanish Mauser model in particular is among the most refurbished and rebuilt Mauser rifles known. The first rebuilds took place in the USA when Bannerman contracted Springfield Armory to take the lesser condition Spanish American War-captured rifles and refinish and rebuild them for public sale. This involved cannibalizing hundreds of incomplete and damaged rifles, and not caring about what pieces-parts went back into the rebuilds. This –might– be one of them.
Bannermans being the infamous Army Surplus Company at the turn of the 19th-into-the-20th Century. Pollepel Island is a landmark 50 miles up river from New York City on the Hudson, and best known for the remains of Bannerman’s Castle.

This was was the warehouse/storehouse that Bannerman Senior built as both a house and as a storage area for VAST amounts of Military Surplus to include High Explosives. In August 1920, 200 pounds of shells and powder exploded in an ancillary structure, destroying a portion of the complex. According to some sources, it just didn’t destroy a portion, but blew the hell out of the place. It’s been off limits forever and a day, with the exception of guided tours that started in 2004, it’s still off limits for the majority, and that continues to this day.
I mean who wants to go crawling around a location with almost 150 year old potentially ‘grouchy’ UXO? Not me despite what some of my detractors might say… you won’t catch me in an impact area…
So other parts of the barrel are uneven as well:

and because of that, I’ve decided to not go with a full bore strip and rebluing.
That is, it’s time to try the DuraCoat. I mean I do have the stuff on hand, so since I’m experimenting, and even pristine M1916 Spanish Mausers aren’t exceptionally expensive, and add on that this is the point of this effort, that I’m going to go with the DuraCoat.

Another part of the reasoning is that when I did the Butt Plate, well… I’m not happy with the results. I did three coats. Of what I call “Heated Cold Bluing” meaning I heated up the piece with my torch between each coat and rinse as directed with cold water. Not exceptionally hot, but enough so that when I did it for the Lee Enfield, well, you all saw how nicely that Bluing came out. That was three coats and the metal there took it magnificently.
Not sure if its the metallurgy in the Mauser?
I’m just a gunsmith, not a science guy per se.
I just know that the various pieces-parts on this thing are right now, uneven as all get out. The Trigger Guard/Mag Well is a deep deep blue with nary a scratch. The Butt Plate is as I said blue, but not to the depth I’d like by far, and the receiver is splotchy, and I’m not sure if a full on stripping and Hot/Cold rebluing will do the job.
So DuraCoat it is.
I mean like I said, I’m fucking around, I may as well find out amiright? Besides I bought a set of it as a potential coating IF my bluing on the SMLE went sideways, so I may as well try it, if only to learn it.
And speaking of “Fucking Around and Finding Out”
WiscoDave sent me this gem tonight that I screengrabbed:

Link to the comments:
For those of you ‘not in the know’ Lt. Col. Alexander “Fatso” Vindman was the guy who initiated the leak(s) that got OrangeManBad ‘in the soup’ so to speak for the first Impeachment. A member of the (((tribe))) he was instrumental as a Krainian (born Aleksandr Semyonovich Vindman) in being the Deep State’s DotMil boy in the Krain.
He’s a fucking foul traitor, and should be clubbed like a baby seal. He stepped outside the chain of command, leaked private conversations between Krainfeld and OrangeManBad and seemed to be the fair-haired boy for a while because he enabled the first bogus shampeachment to happen.
Like I said
For a while.
Guess who (leastways by his snivvling yenta-bitch’s Twatter poast) just got the “Patsy/Fall Guy” Badge pinned to him? Yep. The Blue Falcon Special… This fukkin’ guy.
Couldn’t’ve happened to a nicer asshole.
My guess is he uproots ASAP for the Homeland in the Krain IF they’ll have him back. Seeing that Der Chermans just cut off any and all Deutschmarks that were slated for the Krain, and the rest of the Euroweenies are following in lockstep (outside of the Brits… those fucktards could never take a hint) and that OrangeManBad has made his feelings pretty well clear regarding backstabbers and traitors? I’m figuring on since Krainfeld and the rest of his Kleptocratic Kocaine Fueled Klowncar Show are to pull up stakes shortly, and head to Israel?
More than likely?
Vindman is completely and utterly fucked.
I mean it’s not being talked about anywhere in ‘normal channels’ but as they say, “Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once and a while.” Seems the Krainians, for all their infamous cement-headed thickness are (leastways on their Telegram Channels) starting to realize that they’ve been played like motherfuckers. That 90% of the Recruiters, and 98% of the Politrooks and Commissars are members of a (((certain ethnic group))) and that they’re not serving on the front lines. That it’s been the poor, middle aged Orthodox Christian Males being spent for nothing on the front lines while the (((others)) are partying down in Kiev.
That this’s been as has been happening since the get go? That it’s been a provoked Brother War of Orthodox Christian versus Orthodox Christian for the bemusement and profit of a very smol group of smol-hat wearing people, both Krainian AND American? And man, one need to remember, the Krainians?
The Krainian SS Unit, the 14th Waffen SS Grenadiers, also called the 1st Galician, were considered to be the worst-of-the-worst when it came to Anti-Semitic Zeal. Hence the absolute confusion as the Azov Brigade are staunch Neo-Nazi Banderists, and Bandera since never reigned in his Krainians who had a real hard-on for Hebrews at the time, it confuses people today just -how- a Nazi oriented unit could be supporting an ostensibly Jewish President (Krainfeld). If truth be told, Bandera let his anti-Jewish compatriots run wild, and for this he’s been tied to the Holocaust. The only ones he hated to a lesser degree were the Russians as he was a fanatical Krainian Nationalist.
The backlash on THAT subject might be Biblical.
So much for history.
I AM howling with laughter though.
Vindman thought or more than likely expected to be paid for his services. He did, for a little bit with some appearences on MSNBC, but since then? Notsomucho. Instead, he getting what he deserves, and that’s so far.
IF and it’s a big bold IF he had the two brain cells that God gave a common chipmunk (and that’s asking a lot) that the first thing this piece of shit stuffed in a cheap suit does is run to the nearest AG that Trump is bringing in and offer up ALL the goods in exchange for a new face/life/protection. I mean all them proactive Pardons? In accepting them you waive your 5th Amendment Rights and if you get caught is a lie on the stand??? you’re fucking toast. In Vindman’s case, he’d best cut a deal sooner, rather than later. Otherwise, and you heard it here first, like Epstein, Vindman didn’t kill himself.
Jes’ Sayin’
So that’s the round up for tonight.
Your thoughts on the FrankenMauser are welcome
More Later
Big Country

I know it didn’t happen, but I’m hoping it happens again.
I have been doing both Duracoat and Cerakote for about 10 years are so. Although I buy the containers and hardener for spraying out of guns and air brushes. But I would assume the same process goes for the rattle can. I know you are a good gun smith, so I don’t see you having any issues, just follow their directions.
My observations over the years using it:
Step 1) de-grease, de-grease,de-grease when you think its de-greased enough de-grease it again. Step 2) the surface needs to be scuffed really well (sand blasting) is the preferred method and what I do, but for Duracote a good scuffing with sand paper or scotch brite pads will work. Step 3) final de-greasing brake cleaner or tru-strip from duracoat is what i find best. Step 4) duh time to paint that baby. Light coats and let it gas off 10 to 20 minutes between coats.
With cerakote its baked on, so ready to assemble once cool enough to handle. Duracoat needs 24 hours for assembly and use, but it will continue to cure for several weeks.
Also screw holes pin holes etc. are best plugged, its easy to get to thick with duracoat in those areas, much less a concern with cerakote as its thin like water
Have fun, I’m looking forward to the update.
Agree on the sandblasting and degreasing. I’ve done the same for yrs. I used welding rod (or metal coat hanger) and bend it to fit inside the muzzle and breech (trigger pin hole works great too) to hold the parts while handling, picture frame wire for small parts. Rubber gloves are a must to keep metal clean and sweat free.
Wear a mask, the stuff is epoxy and will clog your lungs, bad.
If you’re lacking an oven to cure in, a dashboard of a car on a hot day will bake that stuff just fine. I usually prep everything before noon and spray, let bake in the hot afternoon sun.
I have 2 shotguns I did over a decade ago with Duracoat and they show very little wear from a lot of backcountry use (my bear guns).
It’s coming along nicely. Kar98k is one of my favorites ever.
Trump hit the ground running with removing US from WHO, no more anchor babies, ending DEI in government, emergency at the border, designating cartels as terrorists.
Kick a commie rat POS traitor when they are down.
Do pardons include court-martials? Just wondering. Vindman, Milley and others should be strung up.
Just like any criminal investigation, Vindman will get his chance to pick from the “Let’s Make A Deal” doors 1, 2, and three. I am sure this treasonous rat bastard will sing like a canary. Yes, he is not a big fish, but I am sure he can name names in exchange for not being Tyrone’s bitch in Leavenworth. Did Page and Strock get a pass? If they were not gifted with the Pedo-In-Chief’s GET-OUT-OF-JAIL-FREE cards, they will join the snitch choir ASAP. I hope the snitch circus is just beginning. I have plenty of PBR and peanuts (not a popcorn fan) to watch justice unfold. Bleib ubrig.
Doors 1, 2, and 3 should all lead directly past the wooden doors of Cold Storage II, up a flight of wooden stairs, and directly into the oven.
If you need a proper lighted magnifier, pick one out and and email me a link. I can send to a P.O.Box.
Scrubbed Spanish Mausers are actually fairly common. The Franco government used to give them out as untraceable aid similar to Rhodesian FALs.
Ukraine is going very badly for the Ukrainians – a great noticing is inevitable. The territory of Ukraine used to be part of multiple states and the different regions have different make-ups and it’s nation hood is very new and borders are drawn by the Soviets in part to make a basket-case that could be controlled.
The DS will offer up one or more patsies as blood sacrifice to placate the mob and save their own bacon. It will not work but, they will do it anyway.
Hey, BCE. This is off topic as far as this post of yours is concerned on your blog, but I am a novice to making comments like this and I thought this would be the easiest way to contact you. There is a recent post on WRSA about people over the age of 50 that I thought you would like to know about. I believe I’ve read the author’s stuff elsewhere over the years, here and there, but I don’t have his name readily in mind. An Englishman, I believe. In any event, if accurate, it is some alarming reading. Thanks for all you do, soldier. I hope you and yours are doing okay in this new year. I am writing to you from Casper, Wyoming.
Think your thinking of Vernon Coleman and this piece
Only the main site comes up, but it’s
If You Are Over 50 Your Government Wants You Dead
In the news section
Like the bolts i thought the butt plates were left in the white on those 96s?
Also on a side note my buds and i used to party out on Bannerman’s back in the late 70s and 80s even though it was posted. Good times.
Snow on Bourbon St.
Yeah, I’m about 40 miles northwest of them and we got 8” yesterday. All the snow that was on the road yesterday is a thick layer of ice today.
Ive done about a dozen with Aluma-hyde from Brownells. In a rattle can. Easy to use if you follow the directions. I hand sanded all the metal, cleaned it off with rubbing alcohol, taped up everything I didn’t want it on hung it up outside and sprayed.
Easy. About $20 a can.
Aluma-hyde was designed for 10/22 receivers and buttplates, not steel firearms. Yes, it’s black paint, BBQ paint will work too.
Now, the flat black BBQ paint will work fine on a N0.4 Enfield because they fire blackened them, then painted them with black paint. Almost all the Brit WW2 weapons were painted black over the heat treating.
Beg to differ. Nowhere in product literature does it say 10/22, aluminum only, or not for use on steel. Ive used it on shotguns, a few Mosins an AK and a ragged out SKS. All have gotten plenty warm and a couple of the shotguns have seen heavy field use in hunting season.
Not sure where you got your information from. The current product is called Aluma-hyde 2. Maybe the original was not for steel firearms.
Milley should be executed and Vindman should be in Leavenworth. Change my mind
Bwahahaha no pardon.
The Pentagon is a caddy shack of bums who they are a disgrace to our fallen and wounded.
After all, we had that sissy Vindman parading around in his military Halloween costume with all the medals as if he ever spent a day in combat.
He would not survive a bar fight.
Alexander (his wife above) blocked me on twatter for repeatedly posting this but u can’t still get around it so I did. He is of Ukie decent.
Permission grated to stop spanking your monkey over the acquisition of Der Franken-Mauser. Even slapped together, it’s better than some boom-stick made by Enfield for warm-beer swilling limey bastards. Hopefully your Mauser (or parts of it) was used in one of the major WWI battles to mow down these tommy’s en-mass. I wish I could have been that at Passchendaele operating a Krupp’s belt-fed MG-O8, mowing them down by the dozens. Ahhh–one can only wish.
Anyways–I too have a couple of Mausers. One being an FR8 Guardia Sevile Mauser made by FN… which I do not dare shooting full power loads out of due to the reputation these receivers being a tad too soft. My other Mauser is a Mexican Mauser, made in the Duetchewaffenfabriken Berlin factory in Berlin in 1928 for the Mexican Army. It’s got the serpent crest on the head of the receiver. I picked it up in the 90’s for 160 hondos at a surplus outfit in California that does refurb jobs. This one was converted to .308 and it’s a tack driver.
As for recoating Der Franken-Mauser. Yes, Duracoat. They even have a pre-finish filler that I suggest you use. It fills all the small poc-marks and dings quiet well. Been there and done it with this stuff. For slightly deeper dings, dab the stuff on in layers. Sand off with 600 grit or higher wet-n-dry paper. The shoot the boom-stick down with a final coat/color of your choice. I like this stuff because it is a catalyzed paint. I bought a cheapo airbrush setup from Harbor Freight to finish off a project a few years ago. Make up and shoot the Duracoat in small batches. Before you shoot anything on Der Franken-Mauser, wipe it down with acetone to get every bit of goo and oil off the surface of the metal. This may also take off any remaining bluing that is left FYI.
As for Vindman–I didn’t see his name on the pardon list. Or did I miss it? This guy is hosed. And I expect there to be hearings on the depth of these payoffs to the Biden family coming this year–and they cannot refuse to testify, nor refuse to answer any question posed to them. And if they do, and lie–they’re fucked… the pardon is off. I would like to see Biden’s entire family come forward and splain’ what they did for the money.
Naw… Worst of the worst:
As far as Vindman is concerned, yeah. Treason should be the name of the game.
However, don’t forget his brother, Eugene Vindman, who won a seat in congress in NoVa (naturally). They’re in it to milk the state for what it’s worth, for as long as possible.