Greetings and Salutations!
So far, so cold but hey, it’s a nice change to step away from everything and just try to relax. Took the past two days and just did a big fat pile of NOTHING. Been visiting with MomUnit… unwound a bit, did a lil grocery shopping and cooking for pleasure.
I needed this.
Then last night, I realized I have a local contact… a Brother From Another Mother whom I worked with back Pre-Iraq (2000 to 2003) at Harvard Vanguard in the IT Department. He was one of our top network Engineers, and we formed a pretty damned tight friendship. In fact MOST of the old HVMA crew? We’re all for the most part still in contact with each other.
I remembered last night he’d moved down here outside of Charleston, so I reached out. He called me at 0800 this AM, and we set up a meet up, with HIS NewWife, Myself and Gretchen.
This fucking guy… he and his brothers (IRL fam) adopted me into his Clan so to speak, and TBH they sent me more care packages and shit to me while I was in Iraq than MomUnit and DeadDad did.
True but funny story about his FIRST care package: This might be hysterical to those who might have ‘done time’ in Iraq as you’ll ‘get it’. I had been there about 5, maybe 6? months. One afternoon at about lunchtime, I got a call telling me that I had a very large package that showed up at the Al Faw Palace mailroom.
That was the CJTF-7/MNC-I HQ Headquarters Mailroom, AKA “The General/Occifers” mailroom.

The mailroom was located on the far right of that pic… that first silver vehicle? Where the end of the hood is? If you go straight back to that tall opening there, THAT was the mailroom. Now, CJTF-7/MNC-I being defined as “Combined Joint Task Force 7” and MNC-I being “Multi-National Corps – Iraq”… Thing of it was, this was May 2004, and the CJTF was being changed over to the MNC-I name… either way…
It was very odd for me to get mail there. In fact I think it was the first and ONLY time I got something sent there as opposed to the ‘normal’ mailroom. Personnel were assigned to specific mailrooms so as to cut down on the missing/misrouted and lost mail… This, as I said, was not my normal pick up point.
So I bounced down there, and by this time, I was pretty well known on VBC… The mail clerk saw me, and when I gave him my ID, he was like “Ohhhhhh! So this is your real name Big Country?” It wasn’t the first time this had happened, so I confirmed it, to which he tells me the package had been sitting around for a few weeks ‘cos they had no idea who “Billy Coughlin” was, as A) I wasn’t assigned to this mailroom, and B) No ONE knew my real name for the most part. EVERYBODY knew Big Country, but not the IRL moniker.
Smitty sent a private to get my box, and while we were waiting, he then said “Maaaan… you got some asshole friends Bro! The crate is a liquor box! And that customs form? We all had a good laugh about it!” Needless to say, my curiosity was piqued. I also was mildly concerned as yes, I DO have some ‘asshole friends’… I mean for all I knew, it could have been a Box O’Rubber Dicks or a Swedish Penis Pump… Jes’ Sayin’
Pvt Joe Snuffy came out, and sure as shit, it was one of them Boxes… either 12 liters of alcohol or 6 handles that would be considered a ‘case ‘booze’. I then looked at the customs form, which listed 12 liters of booze, ALL different flavors so to speak. OK… fine… It was when I saw the return addy I realized the truth and the ‘internal monolog’ practically screamed out “Oh Holy Shit!!!!!”
I played it cool, and chuckled, and told Smitty that, Yeah, my former coworkers were dicks, and that I’d save him some jerky or socks or whatever the fuck they had actually packed.
I immediately grabbed the box, hauled ass out of there before questions were asked (“So what -is- in the box Big Country?”) back to my hooch, and opened up my “Christmas In May” gift.
For those of you not in the know, we… ALL of us, from the lowest Private to the Highest Occifer (which was oh so much bullshit, another story for another time, but occifers ALWAYS had booze or the ability to get it) were under General Order Number One: No Booze, No Sex and No Rock n’Roll so to speak. If it was fun, relaxing or interesting, it was Strengstens Verboten (strictly forbidden).
This was riiiiight before they started X-Raying bulk mail, in particular packages, so somehow “The Gods Of Good Booze” managed to get my Bestest Frens “care package” to me.
It was impressive. A Bottle of Gentleman Jack, one of his brothers Johnny Black, Jimmy Beam Single Barrel, Bottle of Baileys, Bottle of Kahlua… gin, tequila, vodka… all 12 bottles of really top shelf booze. A Grade-A complete selection that made me and my Hooch one of the best stocked Bars in Baghdad instantly.
Needless to say I spread the word to my Infantry Brethren in 2/8 Cav who were all the Infantry Elements and that I used to ‘run and gun’ with in my off hours… back in those heady days of Wine and Roses, I’d occasionally go ‘outside the wire’ (completely off the books mind you) on missions with these kids. I didn’t do much… I was mostly a JAFO, but I still dug rolling in the back of a HMMWV or a Brad while they went door kicking.
JAFO = Just A Fucking Observer.
Still, I felt honored that they let me ‘go out and play’ with them. Their LT was ‘on the payroll’ so to speak, meaning he got his booze through me and Lil Country, so what I used to do was wear the Three Color DCU pants, my Merrill Contactor Combat Sneaks, and gun up. Between the beard, and the weapons, (my H&K MP-5) and all the rest of my gear, if anyone asked who I was, the reply was “He’s an SF/Intel/Company Observer”…
I mean I sure as hell looked the part.
Right out of Central Casting…
That usually took care of it. Plus we usually rolled out and hit the SP (start point) at about 22:00. Not too many folks around to ask questions, so cool. I only did it like 3, maaaaybe 4 times. Mainly because I usually had already done a full 10-12 hour day already, so my ass would be dragging for a loooong while after such shenanigans.
Good Times, Good Times…
So since I had to take care of my boys, that night, since there were no activities on the mission schedule, it was Steaks and Booze at Big Country’s Bar and Grill. One of the best nights I ever had in Bagdad…
And it was all thanks to dis fukkin guy:

B-2 as I’ll call him here, was, is and always will be my brother. Reason he’s B-2 is there are three of us with names that start with B. B-1 would be me, B-2 is him, and the missing part of the Old Crew, B-3 form up the old “1-2-3 Booze!” crew from HVMA. It wasn’t any official naming of our lil crew of degenerates, but every Friday, usually around 14:00, when we’d see each other while working, we’d yell out “1-2-3 BOOZE!” to each other in anticipation of the after work bar hopping.
B-3 would usually come by and give us a countdown: “Hey! It’s 45 minutes (or however long it was) ’til Booze-O-Clock! Best get ready Gentlemen!” B-3 had been a 1stLT in the Army who from my understanding got cashiered for punching out his utterly worthless CO, so of course, my kind of people. Hopefully we can co-ordinate a meetup AGAIN with the whole Booze Crew in the near future. THAT group of people are some of the best I ever worked with…
So More Later, I’m on the road home tomorrow, so no idea on Posting.
Big Country

Congrats on the meeting and great story.
Wife and I are in the Keys for a few days and it’s a touch chilly here – Carolinas probably more so. Glad you’re having a relaxing time.
Safe travels.
Sittin’ at momunit’s in upstate NY instead of home in the Frozen Freakin North laughing at everyone griping about the cold. Was in the mid 20’s last week, still 50-60 degrees warmer than my backyard in AK. I think I grabbed a sweatshirt when I went outside. Too crowded, too loud & too warm here for this guy. Headed back next week. Glad you got some downtime, hoss..
And here I thought JAFO stood for Junior Assistant Fuckin’ Orificer. The things one learns from this site.
Reading your tales from Back In The Day makes me realize how much I miss “The Life”. There’s snow on the roof, and the “connections” are long gone, but the memories remain.
I did a one-year in Saudi (arrived the day after the Khobar Tower bombing – such fun! NOT!). Anyway, no alcohol. The closest we were (koff! legally) allowed was near beer (shudder).
On an unrelated note, my ex-wife works for the biggest MIC in the U.K. as a shipping and logistics manager.
She told me there is a massive amount of war material being shuffled around the world, so much so that they are having problems sourcing shipping capacity for it all.
She would not tell me any more (U.K. Official Secrets Act), but apparently ‘something’ is being rushed into place before Trump takes office.
FWIW . . .
“For those of you not in the know, we… ALL of us, from the lowest Private to the Highest Occifer (which was oh so much bullshit, another story for another time, but occifers ALWAYS had booze or the ability to get it) were under General Order Number One: No Booze, No Sex and No Rock n’Roll so to speak. If it was fun, relaxing or interesting, it was Strengstens Verboten (strictly forbidden).”
Well…unless your official duties included liaising…damn that was a lifetime ago.
Being one of the only dozen US Army personnel working out of REO Basrah had its perks. The REO had a bar, the Squealing Donkey, and on the British side there was the FCO bar, a liquor store, the SAS guys had a small bar that the Royal Marines weren’t allowed to go to, and then the British HUMINT guys had their own little bar-thing too.
Orders we carried from MNFI said something like “Soldier is exempt from General Order Number One while conducting liaison duties…relaxed grooming standards are authorized and the wear of civilian clothing is mandatory.” Then there was the clause about “this Soldier shall be allowed entry and exit of any US facility in theater” or something or rather. I oughta dig them out again for the exact verbiage.
Fuggin’ epic vaykayin’ BC. Glad you got some quality, nostalgic, re hook up.
Go nationwide like ZZ Top.
Dank Statue Of Liberty meme.
No room for commie, WEF ballwasher, UN or foreigner.
Sig sent this to me.
don’t breathe the fog man..
this shit is off the hook “we are fucked”
Well, that’s just CRAZY TALK! Unfortunate that it’s true, EH? That and SO much more.
Not ALL the Satanic forces are DEI hires.
Hi B.C.!!,
Hey Man!!, Yer’ story just tripped me thru the “Way Back” to my ‘Nam daze!!! Half way around the world on an old “Bird Farm” USS PRINCETON LP-5 operatin’ with a bunch of Marines and us “Squids!!” (05-11 ’68 off the coast by DaNang)
10-4 on the “Gettin’ Packages!!” from “Home ” or “Anyone!!!” ….. always a Major Joy!!!! ,,never got a “Goodie” like that, but I could really Dig it!!! Ya’ know, it’s times like that you never forget!!! ….and when ya’ remember ’em!!! it’s even better!!! Thanks!!!!! for tellin’ the story!!!! Now, ya’ got me goin’, tomorrow I gotta’ call my old Shipmate Harold who lives in West VA. and yak’ up a storm !!!
Thanks again Buddy!!!!!!
Audentes, Fortun, Iuvat!!!!,
And……… “Blue Skyz!!!!!!!!!!!”
PR-2 USN, 12-66-11-70, ‘Nam ’68… and!!! APOLLO X (10) pick-up!!! 05-69!!! on our way back from the pick-up, “JIMI HENDRIX!!” was going to play at the Wai-KiKi Shell when we were to be back in port on our way back to CONUS!!.. Me and my buddies got “Front Row” tickets!! (BACK when they were AFFORDABLE!!!!”) What a Show!! Everybody in the crowd stood at attention and were “QUIET!!” when he played “The Star Spangled Banner… our National Anthem!!!”
ps… FMI ya’ got got my e-mail on the post info….
I “F.U.” on the post…. It’s USS PRINCETON LPH-5!!!!!! I forgot the “H” yeha the old “Sweet Pea” started out as a “CV!!!!”(Keel laid AUG 1945) Launching and recovering Piston and then “JET” Aircraft… but got converted to a LPH!!!! (1959) {I went board NOV 1969!!) (Lading Platform Helicopter!),,, the old “ESSEX CLASS) (Straight Deck’s) got “RIF’ED” as they could only Launch or Recover A/C and then they went to the Canted deck where they could do “BOTH!!” at the Same time!! BTW the Sweet Pea Launched the “First F-9 Cougar ” in the Korean gig!!! update by,
Best Saudi/Kuwait smuggling story I have is from a brother. One of his squadmates (National Guard transport unit) worked at a Hormel plant before deployment. His coworkers put a half gallon of Jack Daniels into a commercial ham can and ran it through the sealing machine. Knowing no Muslim would dare open it, they shipped it and it made it to Kuwait intact.
OMG!!!! Best. Smuggling. EVER!
Sapper and I are in AWE of such brilliance
That needs to be in a movie I swear!
If I ever get around to doing the screenplay I have in mind, can I use that?
The old lady use to send me everclear in water bottles when she sent me care packages. The only thing I had to mix it with was the MRE drink mixes or tang. It was nasty but got the job done. One of my senior NCO bunk mates old lady would send him wild turkey 101 in listerine bottles that he would share with me.
You reminded me that I’m pass due to “get the band back together”. Last time was about 3 years ago for my birthday. I had around 20 counting spouses at my house.