Greetings and Salutations!
Seems I ‘rustled quite a few jimmies’ after my whole Saturday “Fuck with the Florida FEMA Female Fuckfestivus Finale”
‘The Other BC’, who told me about this, well… During the entire episode that I was going through, he was asking the who/how/what via text wanting details. I know he’s got folks there that he’d purely love to see ‘go under the bus’ and I was happy to provide what little info I had available, even if it meant only a physical description…
He did end up telling/explaining to me that he was only one of many who were responsible for assisting in the setup of said-Jug-Fuckamus. Not that I’d ever lay the blame on the guy who’s job is to ‘tote Ye Olde Bales’ i.e. the ‘stronk back, weak mind’ guy…(no insult intended bro!) I kept him updated right up until I pulled the Media Card and Rank. According to him, he was vocally against the whole fucked up setup from the git-go, but was severely outranked and whatnot…
In cases like that, it’s best to be
“Yessir, Yessir, Three Bags Full Sir!”
So, during our various text interactions whilst I played mindfuck with the on-site fucktards, he did give me the feedback website on my Cellie, which of course I blew the fuck up via a couple of emails when I got home… meaning there wasn’t just one complaint about the Utter Retardation that I saw, oh no no no… I made sure it was a multiplicity of emails that appeared to be from multiple sources. Call it even a litany of “Fuck you, stronk message follows!” from a pile of email addy from alll around the area of operations…
They play games, I play games.
Seeing that I do NOT have a shit ton of ‘bot availability, I had to do it the old fashion way… the only big problem was redoing my VPN to various local areas as I wanted to insure the widest distribution, as well as making sure that ‘shit lined up’… Email creation was the easiest. Having two PCs running in tandem also made it easier.
I positively slagged them.
My personal favorite was being/playing the role of “Marta” who was ostensibly, a illegal mother-of-four who’d escaped from being sex trafficked, and that I (she) had used the very last of her gas to get her and her Nino/a-s to the food/water distribution point, only to find that they were NOT handing it out on time. She was ALSO upset and heartbroken at how she risked her current job as a seamstress (making faaar lower than legal minimum wage in a Tampa sweat-shop), as she needed to be at work at 0900. The very fact that “they” had thoughtlessly delayed the distribution for no good reason and didn’t inform anyone? was unforgivable… That if it hadn’t been for “…Un militar muy grande llamado “Gran País” they would have never gotten any food.
That being me of course…
The translation being “The big military guy called Big Country” I had the goolag translator do it for me, but then Sapper who lived in Mexico for two plus years, checked and cleaned up any obvious AI ‘bot rough spots… The whole message was sent En Español.
And yer absolutely God-Damned fucking skippy I made myself the Hero here.
Why the fuck not?
It’s like the clown who asked in the comments:
Didn’t need food or water or stuff
Heard about FREE stuff
Gotta git me sum
bitch, bitch, bitchWhat kind of American does this?
< le sigh >alwayseffincontrary
Tell you what fucko…
What kind of ‘Murican?
How about one who writes a near damned-daily blog where you like to read about his “The Adventures of…” because your own life is so lacking in task and purpose…
YOU be the one who needs to keep coming up with new blog-fodder day after day…
THIS was a minor thing, that didn’t hurt anybody as far as I know… well, to be perfectly honest, some motherfuckers might have lost their jobs, but considering they’re the Minions of Leviathan, and would do the. same. exact. thing. to. me. in a New Fuckin’ Yawk second leaves me with ZERO give-a-fucks.
THIS is a lot of work honestly.
Don’t get me wrong. I love writing. DeadDad instilled my love of the written and printed word early in my life. For the most part, outside of some minor ad-revenue, and some VERY MUCH APPRECIATED financial contributions from regular readers who’re definitely faaaar more generous than said-insulter/commenter is, unless I see YOUR name on a check/donation? Then all I can say
Fuck the fuck off OK?
And to be completely transparent?
IF there were people genuinely in need, I would NOT have taken any food aid, nor anything else… The very fact that the majority of the “Needed Aid” people were/are ALL illegals, who are more about the gathering and reallocation of resources to insure they thrive as opposed to their whytte neighbors…. The fact that they have like 4x times the amount of available EBT (as related to me by a lovely blaq girl and her husband who I spoke with who knew it firsthand)… the fact that they’re there is so they, like me can take advantage of every. single. opportunity. presented. to. them.
THAT BTW is why we’re losing this particular war…
In this case?
Granted, nasty MREs…
But considering a case of the earlier reviewed Humanitarian Daly Ration (HRD) is at least $45 for a a case of ten!?! And That the Sopakco Meals?

You bet your ass I’ll not only go and get a good story, but I’ll also make damned sure that I’ll profit from it if the capacity exists…
Either way, I got me another case of Sopack Chow onhand for FREE. I’ll take that as a “W” outside of some rando-intarwhebs dork trying to harsh my mellow… as I love to say, if you can do better, feel free!!!
So anyways…
Now, Denise The Celt from gab (@DenisetheKelt) told me, under no uncertain terms that: “PLEASE stop using the name “Karen” as an insult. The name is Danish and it means “pure”. The use of the name has been turned into a slur by niggers, in order to intimidate and shame White women into not reporting nigger crimes It’s bad enough when everyone else uses that term as an insult – but it’s horrible when a Pro White man does. Really – I’m at the point where I’d love to shoot people in their mouth when they do this.”
To which I asked: “What’s the alternative?”
Since she hasn’t replied yet, as I -do- have some respect for her as she appears to be a seriously based Irish Chick and I’ve had nothing but great gab interactions w/her, I’ll refrain for now with the “Karen” Insult. This being said, the issue remains unresolved… if not “Karen” then what? If she doesn’t let me know, I’m going back to the default programming, as I am now, as it is pertinent to the story…
Reason I say this is I guess I wasn’t the only one who blew up The DeSantis Governator’s Complaint line about this fuck up…
I got a call from someone at 11am this morning.
This from MY actual email/phone complaint where I left a complaint, as a ‘minor blogger of no repute.’ I did not give out any other info… The ‘sort-of-‘bot’ complaints, meaning the ones I made up from whole cloth were without a phone number point of contact…
In fact to be honest, I realized I probably fucked up on MY complaint form by using the auto-fill function… it’s the only way they could have gotten my phone number UNLESS they really went data scraping which for such a minor incident I rate as a possibility of a 1 out of 10. Lesson learned there, and one for y’all to remember ‘cos:

They asked me bunch of questions, and only a few about the ‘disruptive elements’, which I can only assume meant myself, but I demurred… either way, after the call I realized:
The very fact that I got a call at 11am from a DotGov Official on a fucking Sunday in itself is significant..
That and that I (as of now) have NOT had my front door “SWAT’d” nor had any other law-enforcement thugs show up here to fuck with me, methinks that somewhere, sometime after my call(s) to the Tips Line(s) in general probably started a behind-the-scenes shitshow of epic proportions.
I eagerly await my next contact with ‘Other BC’ as he may/may not have the skinny on what’s going down.
Maybe? Maybe not.
But that’s where I’m at. Seeing it’s now 0112, and I literally slept the majority of the day, I’m out gang… thoughts, threats and ideas in the comments.
More Later
Big Country

In reference to a replacement for “Karen”, I vote for “Sheila”or “cock- juggling thunder-cunt”.
I Like the latter one… A lot
“Thundercunt” or “TC” is what we call the Commie Oompa Loompa governess of New Mexico. She scored that name during Covid, when she became dicktatoress-in-chief.
I’m not a hateful man, but she was able to make me hate her.
Glad you made it through the storm relatively unscathed. Seems everyone I know in FLA who were in the path, were unharmed. I reckon prayers work. One kid didn’t even get a stiff breeze and the other had tornadoes touch down all around them, but not directly on them.
Good one on ya for nuking the bitch. And getting a good info seeking call from the Governor’s people.
As to the MREs and water? You paid for them with your taxes, you should get some.
Jerkface saying negative things? Screw the whiner.
Any intel on urban redistributors in your area?
Reading about FLA sheriff in hot water for signing off on a city council (Karen) gun ban, he is in hiding due to death threats. (riigght)
Seems like ol’ sheriff could be in trouble and Karen council might be $5000 lighter in the checking account.
Nothing was enacted as Ronny D called and pulled rank.
Don’t let him get away to the District of Criminals FLA.
Reminds me of a long ago BCE post about throwing wrenches in the gears of the Great Leap Retarded that started back in Year Zero under bathhouse Barry.
I love the Scarface Tony Montana and Skeletor inspirational quotes wallpapers.
As Penn & Teller said, I loves skulls so much, I keep one under my face.
Still LMFAO over burrito goblins. (H/T)
DC ruins perfectly good people, must be the water
The actual Florida Law makes the individual, not the agency or government, responsible for paying the fine. In other words, according to the law, said sheriff now owes at least $5,000 and possibly quite more.
I guess it didn’t strike them as strange that a “colonel” would be out scrounging for scraps instead of being on duty somewhere. Colonels are well taken care of. Not the best and brightest Karen, I suppose.
The “Colonel” could have been oot & aboot undercover to inspect and test the local AO emergency distro set up.
And the “Sheila” failed miserably.
Re “Karen”
“Gay” used to be a woman’s name once upon a time. I suspect not too many girls are given that name now.
I give that name to all the girls with packages.
But only in professional settings when “faggot” is inappropriate.
Former grandfather-in-law was Gaylord, pronounced Gayl’rd by friends and Gay by family. He loved his name and was really upset it got hijacked by them.
At least we can now see where those Joobucks are going. Bibi sure runs some hellacious BBQs. Sure makes more sense to use there instead of helping out the goyim in Florida/NC/Palestine OH/Wherever the next domestic failure occurs.
Regarding your ‘Fuck the fuck off OK?’ comment, you left out the second sentence, ‘And when you get there, keep on fucking going’.
Thank you for the ‘burrito goblin’ description which has been adopted in our household.
Careful with auto fill. Tricky websites can place form blanks that aren’t visible to you and collect information you didn’t intend to have filled out. Credit card numbers anyone? Either don’t auto fill or have a tool that can selectively regulate the information you auto fill on websites that are even the least bit suspect.
Well, you know, we started using Karen instead of cunt, so I guess we can always go back to that. NO beating around the bush there (ha, see what i did there, bush).
Also that last meme is pretty hilarious but as anyone who’s worked retail or food service knows, the women’s bathroom is always WAY grosser and filthier than the men’s.
Yes, but you must capitalize Cunt in order to make it a proper name.
Had a friend named Clint. New boss is a dyke and suddenly the space between L and I disappeared.
How much do you want to bet that Karen has her job due to DEI ?
This is BULLSHIT, I mean how hard is it to setup a station to hand out supplies ?
Give me a few trucks full of supplies, some Nat Guard or police for security and to direct people, some orange cones to have lines for cars to line up and some strong backs to load the supplies for people.
Done, yet this stupid bitch couldn’t do something so simple ?
Oh and too bad about the “Karen” reference.
It is viral and everyone instantly knows what you are talking about.
Kind of like saying a certain ethnic persuasion are Canadians…. we all know what you are saying.
^ This. Karen is part of the vernacular now, everybody just “gets it” if you call some boisy self-important bitch a Karen. As @LGC posted upthread, it has been adopted as a less offensive stand in for “cunt”. While I don’t mind using the word cunt (actually I kind of relish it), it has somehow managed to remain in the pantheon of slurs that are especially offensive and thereby verboten. It is up there with “nigger” and “kike” in the minds of most people (normies anyway), and even ranks far higher on the severity of offensiveness scale than “fuck” at this point. So we could mainstream cunt, or continue to use Karen, since it is an established substitute. I feel bad for cool, non-bitchy Karen’s, but what can I do?
My ex-wife’s name is Karen. I think it’s funny as hell that the name is now synonymous with being a bitchy woman.
All that needs to be done is attach the word “Free” to an public announcement and we all know what shows up. Human nature sure hasn’t changed or improved over the eons. Certainly you all have already noticed the hords that appear for the ‘free’ boxes of food, and who sit in their late-model vehicles burning up fuel sometimes in a mile-long line, waiting for their box. Low IQ, low common-sense people are a dime a dozen and all eager to step into some perceived position of authority over others in organizations both big and small. Government at all levels seems to be an incubator, but not limited to just government. HOAs, various committees from libraries to youth sports and others attract people of that sort. Just like weather, its hard not be to affected by it.
> To which I asked: “What’s the alternative?”
Kamala offers her services.
I use Jennifer instead of Karen, as in ‘Jennifer pull up your panties and shut the fuck up’!
If the Government is offering free stuff get your share of it. I’m sure none of your critics passed on the Biden Bucks passed out during the Plannedemic. I’d get the $750 FEMA bucks too but its a ‘loan’.
Every Jennifer I’ve ever known is crazier than a shithouse rat. But, they are usually kind of cute, too.
For one, I no longer care about leeching off the system any time I have a chance. I’ve done nothing but pay into it since I was 15-16, fought it two wars for it, and it takes 40% of my income even now. For bad roads and buttsex education in Botswana. Every dollar I can funnel into my pocket improves my position, my family’s position, and my community’s position.
Fuck niggers, taco niggers, and matzo niggers.
Indeed, and I take the same tack. That said, if getting the “aid” requires more trouble or effort than it’s worth, or if getting it compromises my opsec, I’ll pass on the free shit.
I appreciate BC going to the jugfuck for his report (and the entertainment value thereof), but I’d not have gone down there myself in similar circumstances. Don’t mean to sound like an ingrate, but I just don’t have the patience for that bullshit, when the reward is so comparatively sparse. If I got totally wiped out by the storm, maybe I’d go to such a mess of an event, but even then I think I’d try to find some other means of obtaining food and water, if I were badly in need.
And let’s face it, a setup like the jugfuck is an inherently unsafe place to be, what with all the divershitty that will be packing and just looking for a reason to pop off because they got dissed (and line jumping burrito goblins is certainly a diss).
Exactly Take what you can from the system and give nothing back…
Nice “Pirates” reference.
And when it comes to Gooberment, I 100% concur.
Alternative to Karen is Bitch. That’s what made Karen’s mad when we called them such.
Ok, just a few comments up you had the perfect replacement for the “K” name. Another “K” name that should go down in infamy, “Kamala.” Used for especially DEI authoritarian bitches. Got an uppity DEI hire at the DMV, just go “Drive on Kamala.” Line jumper at the local Dollar store, “Cut out Kamala.” Slut at a bar bothering everybody, “On your Knee pads Kamala.” Fast food issues, “Kamala Fried Chicken.” HOA pronouncements, “Kamala Klown Show.” etc, etc, etc.
Spin Drift
Saw somewheres on teh webz recently, Karen and Sharon.
So Sharon she shall now be.
Foreign Exchange Student Goes Public: Accuses Tim Walz of Grooming and Sexual Assault, Threatening Deportation
Dude just looks like a little faggot. WTF is all this gay shit?
May I modestly suggest you use the words “pendeja” for female :K**ens and “pendejo” for the sort of male variety? These are not personal names and they denote a very low person in terms of honesty, hard work and morals, kind of a Spanish generic for a “useless shit”.
Other than that – carry on mowing the dross.
We call them putos and putas in our AO. Either way the only good Squatamalan is either picking strawberries or being dumped across the border afterwards.
Just realize that if you call an hispanic a “pendejo”, you are calling them an asshole so be aware of that.
Funny thing: In Kuwait, the Mitsubishi SUVs we drove were/are called “Monteros” here stateside.
(Great Vehicle BTW IMO)
In Kuwait however, they’re called “Pajeros” which roughly translated means a “Wanker” i.e. a Dick/a Jerkoff
Hence the renaming on this side of the Globe LOL
Yup, I originally came from “down south” (as in waaay south but not quite penguin country) and it is a common daily word, primarily used with the “dont be” a pendejo but for people doing idiot things, we leave out the “don’t” part. Nothing personal, just a generic term and boy is it used a lot. BTW, the word actually stands for pubic hair in the slang used in my yoot. As with all thing, words have different meanings depending on which country you are in south of the U.S. border.