OK We’re Back and I Got a REALLY Strange One for Everyone to Think On.

Greetings Gang!
Sorry for the technical wipeout, but as they say, “shit do happen” and in this case, it was every. single. time. I hit ‘publish’ for the blegg of ANYTHING moar than like 100+ words and/or multiple pictures, it was erroring out.

Mind you this wasn’t my bandwidth or intarwhebz related as I have a Company-Paid for ultra hi-speed-lo-drag Intarwhebz Biddness connection. Nope. I was getting an “Unable to Poast” error which I thought was a mite strange. Kind of irritated me as it takes me a long minute to A) come up with nightly content and B) then transcribe the insanity of the rats and snakes that inhabit my cerebral cortex to a viable read for y’all.

Trust me, it’s a wee bit of hard work.

Especially after a past couple of days that I’ve had.

Been a bitch truthfully. I did get one interesting new bit of info that I can now share with everyone. Three, three and a half months ago I applied to a couple of other gigs out there as The Politburo fucked me over on a raise at Glorious People’s Tractor Factory.

The TL;DR? It’s been two years of Gulag-Level Work and a lousy $1 raise for that entire time. Considering that I started at a number between 17 and 19 an hour, you can understand my discontent. Those of you who’ve been long term followers know I was desperate AF when the IT Commissar got me the “in” to get re-gainfully employed, so I wasn’t in the position to argue.

That and I -do- have my DotMil retirement, Sapper paying in, and Gretchen paying in (on her busy seasons) so we keep this shithouse floating juuuuuuuuust above the bankruptcy line so to speak.

That’s some pure-dee bullshit. In fact I’ve brought a massive amount of new business to the Factory because of my skillsets and winsome good looks. This past #2 Anniversary, I met ALL my markers, and in response I got the whole $1 raise, and when I said “Hey, that’s sort of fucked up!” the Politburo told me I have unlimited overtime…

Normally no one has OT available.
That being said?
I still think it’s fucked to say “Work MOAR if you want MOAR Bux”. So I’m doing the barest minimum, while logging 10-11, even 12 hour days and they can suck my taint. I mean c’mon… a $.50 cent a year raise? GFYS.

Either way… as I said, I applied to a couple of other factories. I mean from what I’ve seen on the various Reddit and other Job Boards out there, experience is key. So with 2x years of “Tractor Factory Experience” I figured to ‘go fishing’.

I applied three plus months ago. Took ’em a minute, but about a month and a half ago, I had to do this weird ‘record your answer interview’. I was a wee bit put off by this as I don’t want to be recorded ever by a company or whatnot, but according to what I read online, this now the “Newest and Bestest Thing”. It was a generic 7 question “What would you do if…” and “Have you done this? Answer this question as….” sort of thing that what appeared to be an AI Recorded dude who asked me the questions.

Then I promptly forgot about it.
Then two weeks ago I got the “Congratulations! You made it to the Final Boss!” email. I scheduled the interview for yesterday.

I’m waiting on the offer letter right now.
It went perfectly to say the least.

NOW once I get THAT in hand, I’ll take it to the Politburo and ask them what they’re willing to do. I know I’m like damned near indispensable. SO much so that the IT Commissar even said as much as I became a rock star at the Factory. TBH I’d like to stay where I’m at IF they match. I mean I do my own thing, my current Boss is gold, and I like everyone I work with.

We’ll see.

Now, the meat and taters for tonight’s ‘crazy’
And I mean that literally.
So I got a “NextDoor” email… that’s that ‘Karen App’ that everyone goes on and dimes out HOA shenanigans and various ‘other’ peccadillos in close neighborhoods. Usually I ignore/delete but the title of this one made me go “I’d like to know more!”

Now, Newsbreak, IMO is like a shitty-National Enquirer wannabe website. Because of this, I did go there, and did a wee bit of a dive around the webz to see what I could find from some theoretical ‘real news sources’ so to speak…

Let me tell you… this’s some weird shit…

Link to the story is HERE

One KIA, 2x WIA cops, one of which who needs multiple surgeries as they shot him up so badly. Mind you, this happened last Friday

It happened in Lake County. I live in Hillsborough. However this was the first time I heard of it!!! Mind you we’re not big “TV” folks here as I’ve said before. ‘Jeopardy’ followed by ‘Star Trek’ on the ‘Heroes and Icons’ channel and that’s about it period fucking dot. I do however ‘crawl’ damned near 18 hours a day on the news looking for intel/patterns/infonuggets and ‘stuff’ that I can use here, and for my own personal OODA Loop analysis.

This one completely was off the radar.
Which is Insanely Odd in itself.
I mean it’s got ALL the ‘things’ that the Treasonous Ministries of Lies and Propaganda purely fucking LOVE, to include the top 5:

1) White Folks doing Bad things
2) Evil Black Rifles (a lot of them per the NY Post article, 20+)

3) Anti-Government ‘Sovereign Citizens’ (supposedly)
4) Homeschooled
5) Extreme Christian Religious Views

There’s more, but that right there?
That’s the Pentafecta of Perfection for a ‘if it bleeds it leads’ National Story to demonize everyone and everything on the Right from the current DotGov (mal)Administration. I mean adding to it, in some areas, Dead and Wounded Cops? I remember when ONE dead “Baconator” made national news…
This time?
Not. One. Fucking. Word.
As I said, a wee bit on the Odd Side

Now, granted when you read the story, it’s readily apparent that the Matriarch of this particular four family members was fucking absolutely bugfuck crazy. There were the Mother, Father, and 2x daughters, both of legal age… 22 and 23 respectively. No word if they were hawt or not…

That being said though…

Part of the reason I think there’s a Enemedia Blackout?
A couple of thoughts…
That the initiation of Contact with the initial three deputies left One Dead, One Wounded, with the survivors (2) retreating. No casualties on the ‘Home Team’. The deputies were caught completely unprepared and paid for their negligence/complacency.

Keep that in mind, as it will be on the Final Exam:
Complacency Kills

THEN, now that the fecal matter had publically hit the oscillation device at full speed, the eventual fallback (after the usual ‘cordon and contain procedures) for the State/County Goons was to ‘send in the SWAT Team’ to breach and kill/capture/diffuse the situation. The SWAT Team subsequently breached the house and performed a single-line stacked entry, with the point man utilizing a full length Lexan Body-Shield for protection.

Again, the home team managed to cause some serious havoc.

Dad managed to take out the lead man of the SWAT Team, and forced them to do a ‘fighting withdrawal’. I’ve read multiple sources that said that the Father, armed with an AR, was on a wall opposite running parallel (unseen) to the entry point that the SWAT team was utilizing… then, as they creeped down the hall, Dad waited inside a room undetected, until they were where he could hit them. He then started a mag-dump through the wall which took out/incapacitated the point man, as the team was getting hosed from the side, instead of the expected front.

Apparently that full-length Bulletproof Lexan Shield wasn’t of much use being hit from the side Aye? Also… another Final Exam point: Sheetrock is concealment, not cover.

Now… this’s where it gets weird to me at least.

I’m not into the whole “Sovereign Citizen Thang” at all.

God knows though growing up and living in New Hampster you run into a lot of them, or leastways until the fags from the Socialist People’s Republic of Taxachusetts inundated the state and ran them deep underground… Either way, according to the Enemedia, the two adult daughters and Dad shortly after driving off the SWAT Team self-deleted.

Now knowing from personal experience what I know of the SC Folks? I have issues with this. Mainly because they’re the ones in bad times to keep “hunkering in the bunker” for one. The other is that they had successfully driven off the main SWAT Probe, and were in a position to ‘keep making the Bastards pay’ for every. single. inch. of property. They had, according to MULTIPLE Sources, plenty of Ammo, weapons, body armor, water fuel and food.

Why the fuck would they self-delete?

Add on that SC Folks are really huge on property rights and telling the DotGov to fuck off. ALSO, IMO, most of the SC kids I’ve met who were hankering for a showdown like this would have livestreamed the fuck out of it.

The fact we got 2 x ’20 something’ daughters and there’s no social media presence AT ALL supposedly? Call that another oddity. I looked myself and there appears to be nothing out there. Just like the OrangeManBad’s Ree Tardy Osweird amiright? Add on since most SC LOVE a good LOUD public fight, I’m inclined to believe that they would have surrendered in order to make a ‘splash’ in the news. Lord know I sure AF would be ‘making a public stink’ if the ‘bad goys’ decided to finish off the question of BCE once and for all… y’all folks would be seeing it live in real time, with the Flammenwerfer taking center stage.

“Do I smell bacon cooking….?”

I might be stretching it, but considering the location, the lack of Enemedia coverage and whatnot, plus everyone but Mom being dead? I’d personally put the odds that they surrendered with the intent of makes some ‘Grand Statements’ against the DotGov, and were executed out-of-hand to prevent it. I mean you positively know the cops had to be bullshit that they got their collective, supposedly ‘professional’ asses handed to them, one cheek at a time. A couple of quick shots to the head and “nobody says nuthin'” and yeah, I can see it happening that way…

Jes’ Sayin’

It also stands that this particular “Anti-DotGov thang” stateside just happened at a particularly sensitive time, in that England, as well as Ireland are practically going full retard, and the last thing the DotGov here needs is anyone else getting some not-so-bright (in their eyes) ideas about standing up to “The Man” in any way, shape or form… They do NOT want the plebes getting ideas to tell the ‘Authorities’ to go and fuck themselves. Hence my theory.

I mean shit, they murdered women and children in Waco to prove a point about the DotGov’s attitude towards anti-gov folks… why wouldn’t they execute a couple of “Religious Whackos” out of hand? I mean as one who used to “take the King’s Shilling” in ‘other capacities’ I completely know where they’re coming from…

Gonna be an interesting couple of months to say the least…

I report, you decide.
Your thoughts in the comments?

More Later
Big Country Expat

68 thoughts on “OK We’re Back and I Got a REALLY Strange One for Everyone to Think On.”

  1. Wonder how long before IRA tactics start popping up in Ireland/England? And when do the darkies break into their NWO supplied weapon stashes.
    As I’ve been saying for years, there’s going to be a lot of dead white folks (on both sides of the pond) before the learning curve improves.
    I’m reading about the history of the Ashkenazis in Russia and what led up to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, things are very similar today when you look at (((who))) is in positions of power and how the masses are fucking clueless to what’s coming in the near future, nor do they care, by less than 3% of the population. They destroyed a nation and murdered millions, and today, have brainwashed billions. Sad times coming..

  2. Amusing, you’re right you’re talking out your ass. Why is it always ex mil who seem to not understand that there are rules. AND that even the worst of the bad have a set of morals, I’ve dealt with some very very bad men, I found em to be pretty solid when treated fairly.

    Their sin, they got caught. They knew it they clearly understood this, YouDo The Crime,,,, Ya Do The Time.

    These Retards knew at some physiological level, they were dead right their,,,,or in Thirty years after they did their stretch. No Grace coming their way.

    I admire these sister fortitude to go out on their terms not a lifetime in a hole, then a big shot while strapped to a table.

    Being a cop isn’t even close to be being a solder in Dirka Dirkastan. Killing enemy combatants is nothing like working the street of the United States. There are rules, and there are camera’s on every building it seems like, and guess what most road dogs are wearing their own camera.

    Every day I went to work my wife had no clue if I was coming home. Understand this, I knew I was coming home, period. You can read that any way you want sometimes your own answers will be right. Imagine a job where the bad guy get the first move, that’s the definition of Fucking insane.

    Biggy, I’m not trying to be disrespectful, I get it, I understand your observations. I would say this brother, I’ve not walked in your shoes, and I’ll follow up with this, you’ve never walked in mine. We’ve both been there done that, again you in dirka dirkastan, me right here in my home town.

    Noodle on that for a half second. When I shot people, my wife my children had to see these men’s family’s out in public. Both knowing that a really shitty situation happened. That my actions caused my wife my children major grief major anxiety ain’t right I don’t get to hope on a freedom bird and fly home. We live in the middle of the shit sandwich the incident, they take my 1911, my people read me my rights,and sequester me to a motel room with no phone no outside contact.

    This after a down and dirty report is provided to major crimes team. Then you shut your mouth until your attorney arrives. 24 hrs later I am required to be investigated just like a criminal. Honestly I needed to get it off my chest. You see I didn’t know if I fucked up or not. I didn’t think so, but there is more then one truth, one answer.

    End of the day, We both lost. Killing,,, especially fellow Americans takes a piece of your soul. Ain’t enough prayers in the world to right a family loosing a brother a father a son, to a police shooting. Ditto a cop dying to a drug crazed chump, who is likely a good person when not strung out on dope.

    Big, what say we what for the facts to come out. When it’s done all the paperwork is available to the general public. Your that interested go buy a copy of the reports from the SO.


      1. EMS and Fire Department RUNS with Police.

        Please let them know your feeble thoughts, so we can Ignore your 911 calls.

        There are bad police. There are go along to get along police (something about NO BACKUP if you’re in trouble and call for help, snitch) and good police like my neighbors. But then again in NH we have citizens on the review boards and fire police often enough than Boston has hiring office here.

        Know your local police. Some are salvageable as in when ordered to “Look Around” they as SGT Shultz says “I see Nothing” police.

        Irish Democracy included local police being selectively blind to local boys getting busy.

        “Pseudo Patriots” that aim to hurt my local police I’ll happily gut shoot (just below your pretty armor) and let scream a few days. Just saying.

        1. The thing that I find interesting about “pretty armor” is that it prevents through-and-through gun shot wounds, but it DOESN’T prevent the force of the bullet from entering the body where the bullet hits. Simple physics, the force generated by the bullet has to go SOMEWHERE, it doesn’t just magically dissipate into thin air.
          So shoot ’em in the armor, maybe shoot ’em twice, watch ’em collapse and gasp like a fish out of water.

          1. Two thoughts about armor. One time I was EMS in Fayetteville NC I was fixing a shooting victim when the shooter ran back around (chased by police) and shot me in the back with a 38. Happily, the soft body armor did its job.

            HURT LIKE a Baseball bat smacked me in the middle of my back. Broken rib X-ray showed. Yeah, I turned in my EMS kit and found a safer area to work.

            Military ceramic plates adsorb the bullet by getting damaged-destroyed. Impact adsorbed by trauma pad and impact spread across a MUCH larger area.

            Now add Adrenaline and street drugs (Hitlers SS were often high) and the Knockdown effect isn’t reliable.

            Shoot until target falls. Military grade plates can stop several rounds before failure.

            I train my neighbors to shoot low, and most of them can snap shoot you in the belly-groin in shoot-no shoot cowboy action shooting all day long.

            Something about shattered pelvis and major arteries makes me smile.

          2. Michael 12:29
            WRSA (one of the older sites) used to have a thing, “hips and head, head and hips”.
            As good a lesson now, as it was back then.

        2. Good local cops let their cities burn while kneeling for
          Good local cops arrest grandmothers for not wearing masks at outside sporting events.
          Good local cops enforce unconstitutional laws on a daily basis.
          Good local cops are arresting Whites in Britain and Ireland who don’t want their children raped by invaders.
          So fuck it, I’m done with them.

          1. Word. One only has to look at the cops right now in England and Ireland. They are following the will of their paymasters and turning on their own white citizens. I watched the same thing happen here in North ID during the COVID Scamdemic. The local sheriff at the time went public and stated flatly he and his deputies would not be the “Mask Police”. The COP of PF also said the same thing. But Coeur d’Alene with the woke, progressive mayor and city council, prevailed on their lickspittle COP to have plain-clothes officers in bars after hours enforcing “social distancing” and citing patrons.
            When you have any group of people, be they cops, librarians, schoolteachers, military, or medical personnel willing to sell their souls to the Leviathan for a paycheck or espouse the desires of sexual deviates and socialists, then whatever oaths they took or promises they made go out the window and citizens suffer for it. There are plenty of straws in the wind right now. Read or re-read CIVIL WAR TWO by Thomas Chittum. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.

          2. Seems some internet experts need to Grok something.

            Once it’s open season on your favorite “bad badge guys ”

            EMS STOPS.

            Fire and Ambulance as well as Powerline crews don’t go into trouble without police support.

            Hope you’re good with your own medical capacity and fire fighting tools.

            And after your generator noise or shiny solar panels draw lots of interesting rude people with firepower and skills equal to your powerful selves.

            Well PARTY ON DUDES.

            My MAG knows the police in our area. Some we trust and will defend.

          3. Don’t forget where all those wonderful unions came from, our Bolshevik ‘comrades’ brought them over from Europe in the late 1800’s after Bismarck threw them out of Germany. They came here, infected our miners, railroads, teachers, police, etc with their cancer, and here we are.
            And the masses refuse to wake up to why our children/citizens are stupid, brainwashed and functionally illiterate. All by design (they were inside our schools/universities before WW1) and enforced by the other union’s (Cheka) cops.
            Just say no to copsuckers.

        3. Your “Good Police” will never say a word against the “Bad Police.” A cop can straight up murder someone, and your “Good Police” will do everything they can get away with to let the murderer get away.
          I work in law (civil, not criminal.) I haven’t seen a lot of cops testify, but every time I have, they either lied or offered to lie for us (we always turn them down.) Every time. That colors my opinion — it’s called experience.
          All you fire and EMS — you’re allies of convenience. Look into it. All over the country, it just takes one cop’s dumb decision for all the other cops to fall in behind him and screw over (even arresting) fire and rescue to protect a bad cop.
          People talk about “it’s just a few bad apples.” The full saying is “one bad apple spoils the entire barrel.”

        4. Sorry Mike, but the “good cops” stood around and did nothing while the bad apples spoiled the bunch. Which makes them complicit.

    1. Dirk, I appreciate your post and you bring up a good point and that is “a lot of cops especially older cops are OK and just doing their jobs”.
      Thirty years ago most cops were OK and just doing their jobs but then you always had some bad apples as you do in any organization.
      Then came the BS “War on Terror” and for the last 20+ years they have been militarizing the police and training them in MILITARY tactics. That’s where that civilian talk comes from…it also leads to us vs them thinking and being “billy badass” to people rather than “damn I went to school with Joe and he’s strung out on drugs again and committed a crime.. I gotta bring him in AGAIN”.

      I totally believe that driving a wedge between the police and the citizens has been done on purpose. Thirty years ago most people supported and believed in their local police department.
      Now many don’t and lack of trust in the police is one more domino to fall in certain people’s quest to “remake” our country.

    2. Yeah, always thought the risk of seeing the family out in public is why the tax collectors (po-po) want to wear ninja masks to avoid the hassle of dealing with personal fallout of that extrajudicial killing/beating; just an additional insurance policy to that sweet deal qualified immunity.

      Then again, maybe it’s just a black nomex CVC hood in case the CS cannisters set the house on fire and not to intimidate the subjects, same as the mirrored Biden shades and combat boots.

      Law Enforcement is a slur Peace Officers don’t have to deal with.

      1. Remember, nomex isn’t fireproof. It’s fire resistant — which means it turns into roasty glue on your face when it hits its failure temp.

    3. “I’ve dealt with some very very bad men, I found em to be pretty solid when treated fairly.”

      Okay, fair enough. But are they “solid” dealing with YOU, or are they still solid when it comes to the random “civilian”?

    4. Du hast Befehle gefolgt. Schön für dich. Gleich stehst du vor dem Richter. Wie schaut es dann aus?

    5. Dirk, Dirk, Dirk… “Imagine a job where the bad guy get the first move, that’s the definition of Fucking insane.” Some of us don’t have to imagine it, we lived it every day. Ever hear our rules of engagement, the ol’ “don’t fire unless fired upon”? You learn quick how to respond to contact, don’t hear of many police folks running into that situation. Daily.
      “Every day I went to work my wife had no clue if I was coming home.” Yeah, but if you made it to the end of the day; you were home. If we made it to the end of the day, it was just dark and not necessarily done – and going home was a long ways off, and we had no guarantees of that, either.
      “I don’t get to hope on a freedom bird and fly home.” I think you meant “hop” – but that ride home sure as fuck wasn’t nightly, and our hope was making it to that ride.
      But you are correct here:
      “Being a cop isn’t even close to be being a solder”.
      We’ve known of each other for years, brother. And I mean no disrespect to you, but as regards to combat v “the mean streets” of this country- it ain’t apples and oranges, it’s the big show v triple AAA ball.

  3. While I also find it odd that they offed themselves, perhaps it was because they knew that their lives were essentially over and since they had true faith felt that where they were going was a better place to be. Haji supposedly believes that if he dies in the fight against the infidel that the afterlife rewards are worth it. So why not a different type of fundamentalist? See, I feel if they were removed with extreme prejudice then there is no way that the mom unit would have been allowed to live. As for the news getting out, I live in Hernando and knew about it. And I agree that they are keeping it on the down low because they are scared shitless that we all might take the hint. We only outnumber them 100+ to 1.

    1. Winner winner chicken dinner!
      The Aloha Snackbar crowd claims they have nothing to live for, no life left after they were invaded, so splattering yourself all over the enemy for 72 virgins is actually seen in a positive light by all.
      How many times throughout history have people (individuals and small groups like this family in Florida, as well as entire demographic groups) found themselves backed up against the wall by the system where no other options exist?
      What’s that old saw about a cornered animal? The sad part is, it’s all part of the plan. Pick the crazies off one by one, not en masse. That would lead to riots, and a small group of police, no matter how well armed, cannot stop a mass of rioting people. It’s the numbers (see ants vs. grasshoppers in your favorite disney movie about bugs).
      So one at a time, different groups will be singled out as extremists, spreading ‘disinformation natch’, and be visited by the SWAT. You go peacefully to the camp, or they burn your house down with you inside it (and shoot anything that tries to come out). So, what do you do? Dead either way.. rotting in a cell for 30 years of ass rape, or shoot some of the bastards and take them with me?
      I know which choice I’d make (overwatch from the woods behind the house!)
      What’s that old poem, nobody said anything when they came for the gypsies..? Who cares about some SC nutjobs lived on that 5-acre lot around the bend? Homeschooled their kids, had an arsenal of AR’s. Whack-jobs… Or so it will be told. Funny innit, the old ‘history is written by the victors’ mantra? You and me see them as fine individuals wrongfully persecuted, others see them as miscreants who got what they deserved.
      Is it any wonder people say civil war is inevitable?

      1. Going on a tangent here. The poem was about “communists, socialists, trade unionists, and Jews” then the author himself. (And then there was no one left to speak for me.) Author was a German pastor called Martin Niemöller. Of course the usual suspects love Niemöller’s drivel. But it’s logically wrong. It implies that the commies, unionist and Jews would have been his allies and supporters. What stupid bullshit. Those people would have been happy to see a Christian German hauled off. They’d not have lifted a finger to help him. Fucking idiot. (Or grifter who realized who his real masters are.)

        As to gypsies: I don’t know a single person who has had to deal with them who doesn’t want them rounded up and gassed.

  4. “the Father, armed with an AR, was on a wall opposite running parallel (unseen) to the entry point that the SWAT team was utilizing… then, as they creeped down the hall, Dad waited inside a room undetected, until they were where he could hit them.“
    Another point about using an AR10!
    Why wait for a breach when you can engage the stack through a wall?
    Modern problems require modern solutions. 😉

  5. If the Harris/Waltz goes live it will be Irish Democracy.
    Donut Molester pension mongers won’t be sticking around if the fiatbux are zero and the paycheck is AWOL.
    They will be guarding family if not total POS wastes.
    Bro would get almost $50 an hour on overtime but it was based on seniority and written up on a chalkboard at union (CPUSA) commie work site with seniors at the top of the list.
    Dues go directly to the CPUSA (D) and looking at tax returns woke him up.
    He does get big shekels monthly as pension but cannot work in that field anymore for another place or they take it away.

  6. I agree that the cops killed them after they surrendered.

    I agree that they want people burning in the camps, not fighting in their homes.

    PS – good luck with the job / raise. Here’s hoping you get the outcome you’re seeking.

    I got my boss fired once, but his replacement waited a year then ‘reduced’ me.

  7. “When it’s done, all the paperwork is available to the general public”.


    Have you been paying attention?

    One wonders if you typed that with a straight face.

  8. As I was reading your sitrep on the home invasion, I was thinking, “Waco…..Waco….yep, Waco…..aaaand as a finale, Waco”. Janet Reno would be proud. The only thing missing is the burning down of the house to hide evidence.
    Just like Waco, ya have to wonder about the (thug?) mentality of the po-po.
    First, what brought the SC family to the po-po’s attention?
    Did the initial gaggle of cops come with a warrant? Or maybe just trying to do a semi-friendly intel gathering “knock and talk”? Or did they come with a bullying attitude, “you’d best let us in NOW because we said so!” (while ignoring the Constitutional rights of the family).

    1. They’ll burn down the house in a month or two, after they have papered the file sufficiently. It’s the same way that they always tear the schools down after a (white perp) shooting.

  9. Ok so anyone can say anything on the internet. Anyway, work with a girl who’s husband is a cop (totally cool guy but I’m not here to take sides on that) in north central Fl. I asked her this morning if he had heard about this story. She totally confirmed it and did say it was Lake County. She said she only heard about the incident in its early stages so she didn’t know about the other details BCE laid out.

    Found it interesting the husband knew as they likely notified every police agency in the state over this, but that’s speculation.

  10. Going to known “peaceful protests” and defending from your porch doesn’t seem intelligent.

    The “Squad” folks would be laughing in their beers about our “Tactics”.

    Oh, that and bragging on the open internet. Golly Gee Gomor Pyle might say, why not go to the local bar and brag about doing this or that?

    Like the IRA ever did things that stupid, unless they were setting up a “situation” with a maybe fake recruit.

    Brains, Brains said the zombies.

  11. Had my first high tech job in 1989 and started at $8 an hour McDonalds money. Within 2 years I was well seasoned by was getting the 50 Cent annual token raises to get up to $9 an hour. I was tasked around that time with the training of new employees who were all starting at over $10/hr and were complaining about it in front of me while I trained them. I went to my boss very politely and pointed out the injustice of this and got the song and dance from them that it was against policy to give me a raise would even bring me up to the level of the new trainees.
    On the advice of friends, I started looking for another job in that field, and lo and behold, turns out I had some market value, and I landed a job with a nice raise. I simply went back and gave 2 weeks notice. I did not wave it in front of them, the shock on their faces was satisfying enough. Before my last day they called me at home and tried to get me to stay by offering to let me name my price. I did not take the bait and told them that the time to take care of employees is when they still work for you.
    If you want a better job, then just take it, waving other job offers in front of your boss is a woman thing, just like having sacred raise rules that they will set aside at the last minute. Walk like a Man BC.

    1. You can do what BC is doing, just be ready to leave in about a year anyway. They will get you for it. Of course you’re “current” money will still be a higher starting point when you go looking in a year. Not that it should enter conversation with prospective employees anyway.

    2. I agree with Mike. It is easier to find a job when you have a job. When the new job asks how much you want, make the increase a good bit more than the old job would have given you. I learned that the hard way!

  12. My 2 cents, if the other company offers you a job with similar bennies and a pay raise take it. Current place places a low value on you, and if they match you will soon be training your replacement. Reports say/claim job switching leads to larger salaries over staying with the current employer.

  13. Woody beat me to it.
    When I’m ready to leave, I leave.
    I guess the honorable thing is to give them a chance, but then what?

    So I do nothing. I put in my notice. If they want to keep you, they will make it known. I don’t know if I’d even mention a counter. Just simply say it’s time for me to amble away. It’s been a slice.

    I was in the same boat during the IT meltdown in 2003. Got laid off from Lucent, where I was making around 100K, with commission (I was an SE). It took five months to get a gig at less than half the price (Like $45K) . I suffered in that dump for two years, with zero raises whatsoever. Lesson is, you pay bananas, you get monkeys.
    Luckily, I found a new gig two years later. You don’t owe them anything. You worked, they paid.

    tell them “Love to stay, Can’t”. See what happens. Keep in mind the company that offered you a gig probably went through hundreds of hours and expense to settle for you.

    1. The other tactic if you really like the current place is take a new job for more. Work a year away then come back on a new, higher pay curve.

      1. When I was still working as a nurse if I wanted a raise I’d change jobs. No company prioritizes retention. They hope that people will either be comfortable with the routine, are afraid of new challenges or don’t want to leave because it’s close.
        Learned a long time ago that new hires would be making better scratch than the old farts.

        1. I agree with most of what you guys are saying. I’ve always given my employers the same notice they’d give me. “Shit here’s too weak, and you’ll notice I’m not around anymore.” But, I’m also in a trade in an industry where I have a very good reputation and my resume basically just has to have my name on it when I contact a prospective employer.

          However; autonomy has a value that is hard to put a price on. I’d rather take a lower wage and be autonomous, than have a higher wage with someone up my ass all the time.

  14. If you like the people at your work I would advise you to configure that into the equation. It’s hard to put a price on that. Sort of been plaguing me for a while. Now I am not so sure I like them as much so have flirted with finding other opportunities.

    BCE—I will tell you what I know. It most definitely was an ambush. I assumed it was meth heads getting even but have not confirmed that. As I got to thinking about it more I realized tweakers don’t tend to think that far ahead. I just so happen to live next door to a former one. He’s a fucking trip but he really does have some skills. That bastard can rig together just about anything. He’s on my shortlist for the SHTF possee. He’s married to a high society girl or a former one at least. Let’s just say it’s one of those things that make you scratch your head and go hmmm. They including their kids refer to me as Uncle Luke.

    Back to the “Ambush” as it was described to me by another very good friend. This one works on complete opposite sides of the fence as my neighbor. He was in pretty rough shape as he knew those guys who were shot. That also is the area where we used to go hunting and mud bogging. An AR10/.308 was the weapon of choice as relayed to me by my source. Not sure even a Level 4 boat anchor can stop that at close range.

    I don’t really have much more information on it at the time. Figured it best to let me friend settle down. There’s a lot of grief in the air you can see it in the Facebook posts. One thing is for sure is that whatever the motivations I knew pretty quickly the shooter(s) were white. If they had belonged to another group I doubt this would be getting much attention at all. So go ahead, it’s ok to pay tribute and mourn for the loss of cops today.

  15. Reading through a couple of stories on this, I’m slapping X for Doubt like a rat in a cocaine experiment.
    The dogs were conveniently dead in the yard.
    The back door appeared to be kicked in, so they decided to go into the house.
    How about instead… crazy lady pissed them off, ran into the house, so they shot the dogs and then kicked in the door with no warrant and no exigent circumstance?
    That sounds waaaaaaaaaay more likely to me than the cop’s stories. Maybe the bodycams will prove me wrong. Tell me there’s no bodycam, I will tell you Q.E.D.

  16. There was a Mass Shooting of Cops here in Charloot. Four dead, four wounded. They were serving a warrant for a felon in possession of a firearm. The guy ambushed them as they gathered at his door. It went down the memory hole nationally as the said felon was a descendent of slaves.

    I would not want to be a cop these days.

      1. It’s hard to imagine sane person wanting to enforce the whims of the mayor, DA, governor, etc. after what we’ve all seen over the last few years.
        “Go arrest those little girls running the lemonade stand.”
        “Yes sir I’ve got K-9 and SWAT standing by!”

        1. When I open up a switch to drop a circuit because a car hit a pole and a huge arc happens every cop that’s been there every time it happens almost craps their pants and here they are supposed to be the badasses…

          1. We had a giant arc the other day…RMP had an issue with a breaker so they opened an air switch. Just a 69kV but damn that blue dragon was cool looking.

  17. Exactly.
    All the “good cops” retired, quit, or were fired/sued for being racist/sexist/politically incorrect over a generation ago. There are not any “good cops” coming into the System in over 3 dozen years. A “good cop” would NEVER pass the training or get hired in the first place… They would only be elected, and even then they wouldn’t last long.

  18. I’m in a suburban, mostly rural county. I know a few deputies here and related to a few also.
    ALL of them are shady or out rite TURDS ! One has gone along with his wife in destroying their neighbors business and lives over LIES ! I know they are lies because I am also a neighbor to them.
    Fricking dude is a coward and liar ! I can only imagine how he conducts himself in his job..
    My BIL is retired now but I personally witnessed him commit insurance fraud, drunk driving, accept stolen property, run out on a bar tab, lie to his family ect. ect…
    Cops are all liars and dirtbags.
    Wait for the paperwork ? You must be kidding ! Investigations done by other cops ? Yea OK sure.
    Save the kool aid for someone else. Cops comparing themselves to those who’ve been in combat ? WTH! Proves the point that you bastards roll around as if the “civilians” are enemy combatants.
    Your coming home no matter what aye ? Sounds like most cops are willing to do unconstitutional stuff no matter the “rules” you proclaim. Save it dude. Most have figured it out what side cops are on and it ain’t on ours ! The daughters self deleted on the couch. Yea sounds legit. Just chilln on the couch after an intense firefight. Yea ok.

  19. Check out the Chief of police story out of WV. Dragged women out of car at gunpoint, held her for five days , Charges dropped…. He was working as officer in three other towns at same time according to report I saw (ymmv). Yeah , good cops are like unicorns.

    1. Yea Tom, I saw that one to. I think over on Dive Medics.
      That “chief” looked like an adolescent boy having a temper tantrum. All that because a woman didn’t obey him. I really don’t like to keep harping on cops but the “Dirk” out right exposed the typical cop attitude and he didn’t even see it himself. Complaining he had to be “investigated like a criminal” and not being able to hop on a freedom flight home. Dude has no concept. AARs are investigations. You off the wrong dude in a fire fight and he thinks it’s just off to home for ye ! Fricking clueless. The fact he compares military combat to being a state side cop is incredibly telling but he is just like most all cops.
      They all think they are “special operators” policing the tweakers and soccer moms !

  20. The SC’s I’ve had contact with relish the opportunity to take out the King’s men if the opportunity presented itself. I could not see them self-cancelling while they had the advantage, but trying to take out as many as they could if their back was against the wall, as they believed they would be doing the work of God. Their entire masturbatory fantasy is a standoff a-la Ruby Ridge and Waco with the authorities. If that family had truly lured the cops into an ambush on their turf, the body count would have probably been higher.

    Maybe Florida SCs are different? I’ve heard about a bunch of blacks who are claiming the SC title in order to squat in people’s houses down there and not register their vehicles.

    But spare me the “Oh, cops have SUCH a dangerous job! We never know if we’ll get to go home at the end of our shift!”

    Cops don’t even make the top 20 most dangerous jobs. So, quit the bullshit. Life is dangerous and nobody gets out alive. https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states

    As for “good cops”, they don’t get special “Officer Friendly” badges that let everyone know they are good cops. Instead, they are part of the group who behave as an occupying army and should not be surprised when the citizens start playing their role as the resistance. I have plenty of friends and family who are/were cops and EVERY SINGLE ONE tell me to never trust a cop.

    1. RE: “Good cops” that is no shit true AF, Latigo.
      In an interrogation training class conducted by a state DCI and PD detective, we were told that absolutely the police will lie and try to manipulate you. DCI said NEVER let the PoPo in your house, talk through the door on a chain, record the interaction if possible. Once invited inside, are like a vampire, anything they want to do goes.
      If arrested said to forget every single word in the English language except for one- “Lawyer.” Told us he’s nailed so many people on paper thin evidence because they ran their mouth. Nobody talks, everybody walks. Do it the Soprano way.

    2. Yea exactly I have a greater chance of dying or getting hurt than the po po does…

  21. I can’t find info on the web, but I pretty sure it was lake county, about seven years back. An old guy, Leesburg resident, was resisting arrest, he was pepper sprayed, tied to a chair, left for a while and died in police custody in Lake County.

    As to the few bad apples argument, guess BC Report encountered one of those bad apples, when all he did was snap a picture of a handicap spot?

  22. Sovereign citizens versus cops? Both categories are chock full of incredibly shady criminal assholes. Not my monkeys or my circus. I don’t doubt your theory about the popo smoking those folks at all. I’ve heard many very similar accounts in my life, some straight from the LE that was on the scene. Sometimes I agreed with the outcome, sometimes not. Only a damned fool would ever rock the boat though. Ain’t no respawning like a video game. Normal people have no clue how the real world functions.

    On the job thing, if you have a better offer, take it. Do not look back. If you’re dumb enough to stay it will come back to bite you in the ass. I’ve seen it many times and heard the tales of woe from those that tried it.

  23. Holy Cow Big Country I started out as an apprentice at 20 an hour and that was a long long time ago… California fast food workers are making 20 flipping burgers I know I know it’s California but you work remotely anyway so maybe look at those kind of jobs out that way…

  24. The story doesn’t make sense.
    Apparently the Sheriff’s office was called in to deal with a disturbance and when they arrived they were directed to another residence, when they got there they found the door had been kicked in.
    It doesn’t jibe that the residents kicked in their own door.
    A d if they were such died in the wool survivalists with food and supply storage to last a collapse why would they suddenly set up a trap to kill or wound some deputies.knowing that they would at best lose everything and end up in prison?
    Sounds to me that the deputies came upon a residence that had been the victim of a home invasion and the residents were afraid that the invaders had come back for round two. Or someone kicked in their door, left and then swatted them, as a payback for something.

  25. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinhard_Heydrich

    For what’s it worth he was a cop; as in Head of Interpol, among other postings. The SS was drew heavily from the Polizei. And we know how the Bolshies swung. Not to mention the complete and total state of the POS traitors in Great Britain & Eire. Seeing a pattern here?

  26. If you have a valid offer, take it and move into greater possibilities. There will be nothing for you but mutual disgust at your current gig.

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